Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Margin trading system kse

Rekomendasi BUY adalah ABL, ACPL, BAFL, BAHL, DGKC, EFERT, ENGRO, FATIMA, FCCL, FFBL, HUBCO, KAPCO, KEL, KOHC, LUCK, MCB, MLCF, NBP, OGDC, PAEL, PIOC, PKGP, PPL, PSMC , PSO, PTC, TGL dan UBL. Top gainers minggu lalu adalah: Indus Dyeing, Semen Bestway, Service Indus, Nishat Chunian, Feroz 1888 Mills Ltd, Associated Services Limited, Nishat Mills Limited, Hascol Petroleum Ltd, IGI Insurance and Packages Limited. Pecundang teratas pekan lalu adalah: Sui South Gas, Philip Morris (Lakson Tobacco), Kemasan Cherat, Bank Meezan, Modem Sewa Sekutu, Kilang Nasional, Pak. Int. Con. Ter. Indus Motor, Askari Bank Ltd. dan Faysal Bank. Pemimpin Volume Teratas minggu lalu: BOP, SSGC, TRG, KEL, SNGP, JSCL, EFERT, NCL, FABL, PIBTL, dan FCCL. Indeks pasar saham Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), poundsterling lokal 0,7217 terus mengalahkan saham asing 8211 Index naik 1,6 WoW. Indeks KSE-100 telah mencapai 43.000 dengan meningkatkan 675 poin atau 1,59. Sementara indeks KSE-30 telah mencapai 23.145 dengan meningkatkan 369 poin atau 1,62. Volume perdagangan rata-rata harian sedikit meningkat sebesar 4 WoW menjadi rata-rata di 475mn saham. Asing tetap penjual bersih ekuitas senilai US37mn terutama karena penerbangan modal ke pasar maju dari negara-negara Frontier dan Emerging di tengah penguatan Dolar AS. Menurut pakar karachistockexchange. org. Menyusul berita telah memainkan peran penting dalam pergerakan indeks Bursa Efek Karachi: Bank Negara telah mengumumkan Kebijakan Monetar dan mempertahankan tingkat diskonto tidak berubah yaitu 5,75 selama dua bulan Penjualan asing terus berlanjut selama seminggu juga, sebagian besar terbatas pada item papan samping dengan Likuiditas lokal yang kuat mendorong indeks untuk menutup penjualan tertinggi Sepanjang masa Penjualan asing berlanjut selama sepekan dan juga dengan orang asing melepas saham senilai USD37.0mn dibandingkan dengan net sell USD9.4mn pada minggu sebelumnya ECC8217s menyetujui pengurangan harga gas untuk Konsumen industri oleh PkR200mmbtu Saham minyak menguat di belakang lonjakan harga minyak internasional, yang melonjak lebih dari 5 pada minggu ini karena prospek kemungkinan kesepakatan pemangkasan pasokan yang ditengahi dalam pertemuan OPEC mendatang berbalik tinggi. OGDC (4.0), PPL (4.0) dan POL (6.2) mendorong kenaikan utama indeks Bank Sentral yang menjual Rs290bln MTBs sebagian besar tetap datar pada bulan Juli-Oktober defisit transaksi berjalan naik 63 persen YoY Summit Bank Limited mengumumkan untuk melakukan due diligence dari Sindh Bank Limited untuk penggabungan merger yang potensial Harga bar baja telah naik sebesar Rs8.000-Rs10.000 per ton setelah insiden kebakaran di halaman pemecah rekor di Gadani bulan lalu yang menewaskan sedikitnya 19 orang China untuk melakukan investasi 8,5 miliar tambahan. Di Pakistan, kata Ahsan Iqbal Dewan Semen (DCL) hari ini mengumumkan di Bursa Efek Pakistan (PSX) bahwa sponsor tersebut sedang menjajaki kemungkinan menjual 51 saham ke entitas asing bersamaan dengan kemungkinan penjualan pabrik utara yang berada di Haripur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ada ketidakkonsistenan lebih dari Rs 19 miliar untuk subsidi urea dan DAP pada tahun fiskal berjalan antara apa yang dianggarkan oleh Kementerian Keuangan dan apa yang ada dalam dokumen Kementerian Negara Al-Pangan, Keamanan dan Penelitian (MNFSampR) Grup Yunus Brothers (YBG) sedang dalam pembicaraan dengan Kia Motors Corporation Korea Selatan untuk membuat fasilitas perakitan otomatis di Pakistan. Sponsor dari Lucky Cement dan ICI Pakistan, YBG berada dalam tahap awal negosiasi dengan perusahaan Korea Selatan dan beberapa rincian tersedia sejauh ini. PIA menyimpulkan bahwa fasilitas pembiayaan sebesar US130mn T8208bills hasil dalam lelang baru-baru ini tetap datar di 5.9463, 5.9471 dan 5.9463 Untuk 3m, 6m dan 12m masing-masing Pelepasan jumlah Manufaktur Skala Besar yang mengecewakan (2.2 YoY pada 1QFY17, 1,9 YoY pada Sept-16) Berikut adalah beberapa rekomendasi BELI: Allied Bank Limited (ABL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 104 Target Harga: PKR 120 Attock Cement (ACPL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 315 Target Harga: PKR 340 Al Shaheer Corpporation Ltd (ASC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 52 Target Harga: PKR 82 Bank Al-Falah (BAFL) 8211 BUY Current Price: PKR 33 Harga Sasaran: PKR 38 Bank Al-Habib (BAHL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 50 Harga Sasaran: PKR 60 DG Khan Cement (DGKC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 191 Target Harga: PKR 216 ENGRO Fertilizer Limited (EFERT) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 64.6 Harga Sasaran: PKR 83 Engro Corporation (ENGRO) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 293.5 Harga Sasaran: PKR 361 Pupuk Fatima (FATIMA) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 34 Harga Sasaran: PKR 39 Fauji Cement Company Limited (FCCL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 38.9 Harga Sasaran: PKR 47 Fauji Fert Bin Qasim (FFBL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 53.6 Harga Sasaran: PKR 60 HUB Power CO (HUBCO) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 106 Harga Sasaran: PKR 121 Indus Motors (INDU) 8211 BUY Current Harga PKR 1484 Harga Sasaran: PKR 1735 Harga Beli PKR 116 K-Electric (KEL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 9.3 Harga Sasaran: PKR 13 Kohat Cement (KOHC) ) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 274 Harga Sasaran: PKR 353 Lucky Cement (LUCK) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 740 Harga Sasaran: PKR 813 MCB Bank Limited (MCB) 8211 BUY Harga Sekarang: PKR 226 Target Harga: PKR 243 Maple Leaf Pabrik Semen (MLCF) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 111 Target Harga: PKR 125 Bank Nasional Pakistan (NBP) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 73 Target Harga: PKR 80 Oil amp Gas Development Co (OGDC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 145.5 Harga Sasaran: PKR 164 Pak Electron (PAEL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 70.9 Harga Sasaran: PKR 83 Pelopor Semen Limited (PIOC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 120 Harga Sasaran: PKR 137 Pakgen Power (PKGP) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 25.8 Target Harga: PKR 40 Pakistan Petroleum (PPL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 160.1 Harga Sasaran: PKR 177 Pak Suzuki Motors (PSMC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 531.2 Harga Sasaran: PKR 661 Minyak Negara Pakistan (PSO) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 392.4 Harga Sasaran: PKR 490 Pakistan Telecommunications (PTC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 18 Target Harga : PKR 21,9 Tariq Glass (TGL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 105.1 Harga Sasaran: PKR 120 United Bank Limited (UBL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 214 Target Harga: PKR 235 Terima kasih banyak telah membaca artikel ini. CATATAN: Informasi yang diposting di forum blog ini (karachistockexchange. org) ini berdasarkan pada uraian saat ini hai investor sudut pandang. Mungkin ada perbedaan dalam kenyataan tanah. MEMBELI rekomendasi adalah ABL, ACPL, BAFL, BAHL, DGKC, EFERT, ENGRO, FATIMA, FCCL, FFBL, HUBCO, KEL, KOHC, LUCK, MCB, MLCF, NBP, OGDC, PAEL, PIOC, PKGP, POL, PPL, PSMC, PSO, PTC, TGL dan UBL. Top gainers minggu lalu adalah: Indus Dyeing, Hascol Petroleum Ltd, International Steels Ltd, Pak Services, Ghani Glass Ltd, Modem Sewa Sekutu, Leew Orix, Bank AL-Habib, Brewery Muree Co Ltd dan Philip Morris (Lakson Tobacco). Top pecundang minggu lalu adalah: Indus Motor, Associated Services Limited, TRG Pakistan Ltd, Rafhan Maize Prod. Dawood Hercules Chem, Service Indus, United Bank, ICI Pakistan, Feroz 1888 Mills Ltd dan Habib Bank Ltd Pemimpin Volume Tertinggi minggu lalu: BOP, JSCL, TRG, KEL, SSGC, SNGP, FABL, PIBTL, PTC, MLCF, dan PAEL. Indeks pasar saham Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) menyaksikan minggu yang suram karena investor tetap berhati-hati dan lebih memilih untuk membukukan keuntungan dari penjualan luar negeri yang terus-menerus selama sepuluh hari berturut-turut. Pasar menguji level 43K namun gagal mempertahankannya sebagai benchmark yang diperdagangkan untuk sebagian besar minggu ini. Indeks KSE-100 telah mencapai 42.325 dengan penurunan -524 poin atau -1.22. Sementara indeks KSE-30 mencapai 22.776 dengan penurunan -424 poin atau -1,83. Menurut pakar karachistockexchange. org. Berita berikut telah memainkan peran penting dalam pergerakan indeks Bursa Efek Karachi: Perdana Menteri Nawaz Sharif hari Minggu meresmikan sebuah rute perdagangan yang menghubungkan pelabuhan Gwadar ke kota Kashgar di China sebagai bagian dari proyek gabungan multi-miliar dolar (CPEC) untuk memulai pertumbuhan ekonomi di Negara Asia Selatan. Cosco Wellington, sebuah kapal yang berlabuh di pelabuhan laut dalam di Balochistan, dilengkapi dengan lebih dari 150 kontainer - kiriman pertama di bawah Koridor Ekonomi China-Pakistan diumumkan pada tahun 2014, yang bertujuan untuk menghubungkan wilayah adidaya Xinjiang dengan Laut Arab Perkembangan yang mengerikan di perbatasan India-Pakistan dengan laporan pertempuran kecil yang sering membuat pelaku pasar terpaut. Kerugian yang terlihat di pasar regional pada bagian awal minggu bergema di PSX Sidang skandal Panama Gate terhadap keluarga perdana menteri juga terus melakukan pemeriksaan atas proses persidangan Orang asing terus menjual penjual bersih, dengan ekuitas bersih senilai 1313mn di tahun 2016TD Dan US75mn penjualan bersih yang diamati selama dua minggu terakhir saja Pemerintah Pakistan menolak tawaran senilai PkR113bn (vs. target PkR50 miliar) pada lelang PIB bulan8217 karena bank mencari suku bunga yang lebih tinggi Bank lokal dan Individu tetap menjadi pembeli utama, menyerap penjualan asing Selama seminggu Pembicaraan OGRA membuka upto 200.000 koneksi gas untuk pelanggan baru Ruang OMC menyaksikan HASCOL maju dengan keyakinan baru sebagai kelompok komoditas internasional terkemuka Vitol mengumumkan niatnya untuk meningkatkan kepemilikannya di perusahaan menjadi 25 dari 15 Cut Cut di SLR yang ada. 5 untuk Bank Syariah oleh SBP Potong harga urea Rs50bag oleh Perusahaan Pupuk Fauji (FFC) Negara Bagian Bank of Pakistan (PDP) telah memproyeksikan pertumbuhan PDB untuk Pakistan pada level 5-6 untuk FY17 karena antisipasi kebangkitan di sektor pertanian dan industri, dengan sektor jasa diperkirakan akan mempertahankan momentum tahun lalu. Perkiraan Cenetral Bank8217s sebagian besar sesuai dengan target pemerintah sendiri sebesar 5,7 PMA turun sebesar 68 YoY selama 16 Oktober menjadi US66.8mn dibandingkan dengan US207.1mn pada 15 Oktober. Pada 4MFY17, total FDI yang masuk ke negara tersebut berada di US316.1mn (turun 48 YoY) Bank-bank komersial (-1,9) mundur selama minggu ini karena aksi ambil untung setelah gelombang baru-baru ini dimana perbankan memiliki bobot yang berat seperti HBL (-4,1) dan UBL (-4,6) menyumbang 130,55pts dan 95,81pts masing-masing terhadap penurunan indeks Sementara HUBC dan PSO juga membebani indeks karena penghapusan mereka dari indeks sementara MSCI Pakistan Gawdar untuk memulai operasinya pada bulan Desember Jauh dari mulut tambang8217: kekuatan yang menakjubkan Pabrik untuk menjadi yang pertama beroperasi di proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga batubara Thar batubara Thar untuk bersiap menjelang jadwal pengumuman pendapatan yang menonjol selama seminggu termasuk HCAR yang melaporkan sedikit lebih rendah daripada perkiraan laba bersih, mencatat peningkatan substantif berdasarkan basis YY yang didorong oleh pendapatan yang lebih tinggi Omantel mengatakan akan meneruskan penjualan saham pengendali di WorldCall Berikut adalah beberapa rekomendasi BELI: Allied Bank Limited (ABL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 105 Target Harga: PKR 120 Attock Cem (ACPL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 267.6 Harga Sasaran: PKR 329 Bank Al-Falah (BAFL) 8211 BUY Harga Sekarang: PKR 33 Harga Sasaran: PKR 38 Bank Al-Habib (BAHL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 51 Target Harga PKR 60 DG Khan Cement (DGKC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 187 Harga Sasaran: PKR 216 ENGRO Fertilizer Limited (EFERT) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 62.8 Harga Sasaran: PKR 83 Engro Corporation (ENGRO) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 289 Target Harga: PKR 361 Pupuk Fatima (FATIMA) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 33.6 Harga Sasaran: PKR 39 Fauji Cement Company Limited (FCCL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 38.6 Harga Sasaran: PKR 47 Fauji Fert Bin Qasim (FFBL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 53 Target Harga: PKR 60 HUB Power CO (HUBCO) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 103 Harga Sasaran: PKR 121 Indus Motors (INDU) 8211 BUY Harga Sekarang: PKR 1516 Harga Sasaran: PKR 1735 K-Electric (KEL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 9.1 Harga Sasaran: PKR 13 Kohat Cement (KOHC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 270.1 Harga Sasaran: PKR 353 Lucky Cement (LUCK) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 730 Harga Sasaran: PKR 755 MCB Bank Limited (MCB) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 227 Harga Sasaran: PKR 243 Pabrik Semen Daun Maple (MLCF) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 108 Harga Sasaran: PKR 122 Bank Nasional Pakistan (NBP) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 73 Target Harga: PKR 80 Oil amp Gas Development Co (OGDC) 8211 BUY Harga Sekarang: PKR 140 Target Harga: PKR 164 Pak Electron (PAEL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 71.4 Harga Sasaran: PKR 83 Pioneer Cement Limited (PIOC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 119 Harga Sasaran: PKR 137 Pakgen Power (PKGP) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 25.4 Harga Sasaran: PKR 40 Ladang Minyak Pakistan Limited (POL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 418 Harga Sasaran: PKR 441 Pakistan Petroleum (PPL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 154 Harga Sasaran: PKR 177 Pak Suzuki Motors (PSMC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 521.7 Target Harga: PKR 661 Pakistan State Oil (PSO) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 388 Target Harga: PKR 490 Pakistan Telekomunikasi S (PTC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 18 Harga Sasaran: PKR 21,9 Tariq Glass (TGL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 101 Target Harga: PKR 120 United Bank Limited (UBL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 211 Target Harga: PKR Terima kasih banyak telah membaca artikel ini. CATATAN: Informasi yang diposting di forum blog ini (karachistockexchange. org) ini berdasarkan pada uraian saat ini hai investor sudut pandang. Mungkin ada perbedaan dalam kenyataan tanah. MEMBELI rekomendasi adalah ABL, ACPL, BAFL, BAHL, DGKC, EFERT, ENGRO, FATIMA, FCCL, FFBL, HUBCO, KAPCO, KEL, KOHC, LUCK, MCB, MLCF, NBP, OGDC, PAEL, PIOC, PKGP, POL, PPL, PSMC, PSO, PTC, TGL dan UBL. Top gainers minggu lalu adalah: Ibrahim Fibers, Maple Leaf Cement, J. D.W. Sugar, Faysal Bank, Kohat Cement, Sui South Gas, Fauji Cement Company Ltd Fauji Fert Bin, International Steels Ltd dan Allied Rental Mod. Top loser minggu lalu adalah: Muree Brewery Co Ltd, Shell Pakistan, Philip Morris (Lakson Tobacco), Orix Leasing, K-Electric (KESC), Thal Limited, Hub Power, Jah. Sidd. Co Minyak dan Gas Deve dan Makanan Nasional. Pemimpin Volume Teratas minggu lalu: BOP, TRG, SSGC, PIBTL, KEL, FCCL, SNGP, PTC, FABL, JSCL dan BAFL. Indeks pasar saham Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) terus meningkat selama minggu ini, naik sebesar 2,78 WoW untuk ditutup pada level tertinggi sepanjang masa di 42,849pts. Indeks KSE-100 telah mencapai 42.849 dengan meningkatkan 1007 poin atau 2,41. Sementara indeks KSE-30 telah mencapai 23.200 dengan kenaikan 449 poin atau 1,97. Menurut pakar karachistockexchange. org. Berikut berita telah memainkan peran penting dalam pergerakan indeks Bursa Efek Karachi: Minggu yang penuh peristiwa menyaksikan proses pengadilan8217 mengenai skandal Panama yang diajukan secara politis bergerak maju dengan lancar Dalam salah satu gangguan terbesar dalam sejarah Pemilu AS, calon Partai Republik Donald Trump mengalahkan Demokrat Hillary Clinton Dengan selisih yang luas Komisi Tarif Nasional (NTC) memulai penyelidikan antidumping terhadap impor koil baja dari China, hampir setahun setelah menampar tugas pada gulungan gulungan dingin China di tempat yang sama Industri semen mencatat pertumbuhan 11 persen di Kiriman lokal pada bulan Juli-Oktober 2016 diikuti oleh kenaikan 2pc dalam ekspor dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu Dua pengiriman 58.000 ton dan 30.000 ton bensin kualitas unggul yang diimpor oleh Pakistan State Oil (PSO) telah tiba beberapa hari yang lalu, Sumber mengatakan defisit perdagangan Pakistan8217 meningkat hampir 22 persen year-on-year menjadi 9,3019 miliar dalam empat bulan pertama tahun fiskal ini, terutama Penyebab penurunan ekspor ditambah dengan kenaikan satu digit dalam impor Dewan Pendapatan Federal (FBR) menampar denda sekitar 300 individu bernilai bersih tinggi, termasuk dalam berbagai perusahaan, karena kegagalan mereka untuk mengajukan pengembalian pajak dan pernyataan kekayaan Pengulangan dari Pentingnya CPEC untuk memenuhi target pertumbuhan volume pasar Bank Dunia terkonsentrasi pada nama perbankan, terutama di BOP yang tampil sebagai pemimpin volume minggu pertama yang didorong oleh aktivitas ritel yang kental. Momentum pembelian terbukti jelas di HBL, UBL dan MCB sebagai pelaku pasar dalam harga kemungkinan pembalikan suku bunga dalam waktu dekat bank-bank Pakistan, mengamati triliunan rupiah transaksi elektronik tahunan, yang direncanakan untuk meluncurkan PayPak 8211 sebagai nasional pertama Sistem pemrosesan pembayaran 8211 pada bulan Juni 2017 untuk bersaing dengan raksasa global Visa dan MasterCard. Sebagian besar bank besar dan menengah telah memasuki tahap pengenalan kartu karena mereka telah menandatangani perjanjian dengan vendor untuk memanfaatkan layanan mereka untuk merancang dan pemasaran kartu pembayaran. Seorang pejabat dari 1-link 8212 kekuatan di belakang PayPak 8211 juga mendukung perkembangan ini Arus keluar luar negeri berada pada MTD USD5.09mn dengan penjualan yang terlihat pada semen dan nama indeks utama. Pemain top selama seminggu termasuk sebagian besar saham semen yang dipimpin oleh MLCF yang mengumpulkan 14.23 diikuti oleh FABL yang naik 13,01, sementara KOHC naik 9.92 Daftar pecundang dihuni oleh SHEL yang menghapus nilai 3,12, sementara KEL yang dicelupkan oleh 2.03 Karachi Electric (KE) akan mengembalikan Re 0.84 per unit kepada konsumen yang ditagih berlebihan pada bulan September 2016 setelah Persetujuan dari National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) berdasarkan formula penyesuaian biaya bahan bakar bulanan sementara Pemerintah telah memutuskan untuk menyerahkan lebih dari 1.000 megawatt proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga batubara yang diimpor untuk mengandung ketergantungan pada bahan bakar impor dan mengurangi kerugian selisih kurs berikut sedikit MEMBELI rekomendasi: Allied Bank Limited (ABL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 106 Target Harga: PKR 120 Attock Cement (ACPL) 8211 BUY Current Pr Es: PKR 261.3 Harga Sasaran: PKR 329 Bank Al-Falah (BAFL) 8211 BUY Harga Sekarang: PKR 33 Harga Sasaran: PKR 38 Bank Al-Habib (BAHL) 8211 BUY Harga Sekarang: PKR 49 Harga Sasaran: PKR 60 DG Khan Cement (DGKC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 190 Harga Sasaran: PKR 216 ENGRO Fertilizer Limited (EFERT) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 64 Harga Sasaran: PKR 83 Engro Corporation (ENGRO) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 293 Target Harga: PKR 361 Fatima Fertilizer (FATIMA) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 34 Harga Sasaran: PKR 39 Fauji Cement Company Limited (FCCL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 40 Target Harga: PKR 47 Fauji Fert Bin Qasim (FFBL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 53 Harga Sasaran: PKR 60 HUB Power CO (HUBCO) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 107 Target Harga: PKR 121 Perusahaan Daya Kot Adu (KAPCO) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 77,8 Target Harga: PKR 116 K-Electric (KEL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 9.2 Harga Sasaran: PKR 13 Kohat Cement (KOHC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 270.5 Harga Sasaran: PKR 353 Lucky Cement (LUCK) 821 1 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 727 Harga Sasaran: PKR 755 MCB Bank Limited (MCB) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 227 Harga Sasaran: PKR 243 Pabrik Semen Daun Daun (MLCF) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 109 Target Harga: PKR 122 Nasional Bank of Pakistan (NBP) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 74 Target Harga: PKR 80 Oil amp Gas Development Co (OGDC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 141 Target Harga: PKR 164 Pak Electron (PAEL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 71.3 Harga Sasaran: PKR 83 Pioneer Cement Limited (PIOC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 116 Target Harga: PKR 126 Pakgen Power (PKGP) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 25.5 Harga Sasaran: PKR 40 Pakistan Oil Fields Limited (POL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 417 Harga Sasaran: PKR 441 Pakistan Petroleum (PPL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 156.8 Harga Sasaran: PKR 177 Pak Suzuki Motors (PSMC) 8211 BUY Harga Sekarang: PKR 535.8 Target Harga: PKR 661 Minyak Negara Pakistan (PSO ) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 403 Harga Sasaran: PKR 490 Pakistan Telecommunications (PTC) 8211 BUY Current Harga PKR 21,9 Tariq Glass (TGL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 100.5 Harga Sasaran: PKR 120 United Bank Limited (UBL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 221 Target Harga: PKR 235 Terima kasih banyak telah membaca artikel ini. CATATAN: Informasi yang diposting di forum blog ini (karachistockexchange. org) ini berdasarkan pada uraian saat ini hai investor sudut pandang. Mungkin ada perbedaan dalam kenyataan tanah. MEMBELI rekomendasi adalah ABL, ACPL, BAHL, DGKC, EFERT, ENGRO, FATIMA, FCCL, FFBL, HUBCO, KAPCO, KEL, KOHC, LUCK, MCB, MLCF, OGDC, PAEL, PIOC, PKGP, POL, PPL, PSMC, PSO, PTC, TGL dan UBL. Top gainers minggu lalu adalah: HBL, UBL, LUCK, PPL, Archroma Pak Ltd. ISL, MTL, SHEL, JSCL, SSGC. Top pecundang minggu lalu adalah: MUREB, COLG, ARM, CPPL, GHGL, Kohinoor Energy Ltd. PAKT Top Volume Leaders minggu lalu: BOP, KEL, SSGC, TRG, PACE. Indeks pasar saham Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) melonjak 4,94 mendekati WoW pada level tertinggi sepanjang tahun 41,842pts. Indeks KSE-100 telah mencapai 41.842 dengan meningkatkan poin 1969 atau 4,94. Sementara indeks KSE-30 telah mencapai level 22.751 dengan meningkatkan 933 poin atau 4,28. Volume harian rata-rata meningkat menjadi 484mn (42 WoW) saat akhir kebuntuan politik membuat investor tertarik kembali ke pasar. BOP mempertahankan posisinya sebagai pemimpin volume, melakukan perdagangan 222mn selama sepekan diikuti oleh KEL (Menurut para ahli karachistockexchange. org. Berikut berita telah memainkan peran penting dalam pergerakan indeks Bursa Efek Karachi: Investor terbebas dari awan kebisingan politik yang mereda Atas keputusan Mahkamah Agung atas penyelidikan kebocoran Panama Grup Abraaj telah mengumumkan bahwa sebuah perusahaan yang dikuasai Abraaj, KES Power, telah menandatangani sebuah kesepakatan definitif untuk melakukan divestasi 66,4 kepemilikan sahamnya di K-Electric ke Shanghai Electric Power Company Limited (SEP) untuk Sebuah pertimbangan US1.77bn. Ini berarti harga Menteri Perminyakan Rs10.14share Shahid Khaqan Abbasi mengumumkan bahwa Pemerintah Indonesia telah memutuskan untuk tidak menaikkan tarif gas alam untuk kategori konsumen karena adanya penurunan biaya produksi gas French Pembuat mobil Renault dilaporkan telah memutuskan untuk mulai merakit mobil di Pakistan pada 2018 di bawah insentif yang baru disetujui yang diumumkan di Auto Investment De Kebijakan di mana Renault akan memasuki pasar Pakistan sebagai Joint Venture dengan GHNL, dengan rencana untuk menginvestasikan US 100 mn di Pakistan Pemotongan pajak penjualan untuk produk minyak bumi memberikan lebih dari PkR20bn dalam kerugian pendapatan kepada FBR selama empat bulan terakhir. Rally tersebut dipimpin oleh investor asing dan reksa dana lokal dimana pembelian besar US21mn dan US28mn, masing-masing diamati oleh kedua kelompok selama minggu ini. SampP Global Ratings menaikkan peringkat kredit LT-nya di Pakistan dengan satu tingkat ke 8216B8217 dari 8216B-8216. Ini adalah peringkat tertinggi Pakistan8217 sejak Mei 2008, ketika Pakistan diturunkan dari 8216B8217 menjadi 8216B8217. Prospek pada peringkat tersebut tetap terjaga. Perbankan komersial tetap menjadi pusat perhatian untuk menambahkan 393pts karena lebih kuat daripada membaca konsensus (4.24pts) menegaskan kembali tingkat suku bunga naik dalam pelonggaran yang akan mengurangi tekanan dari NIM LUCK dan PPL secara kumulatif memberikan kontribusi 161,7 Poin yang pulih dari perolehan nilai hunting MTL menyumbang 63pts (22 return in the week) ke indeks benchmark karena mengantisipasi kenaikan volume lokal dan ekspor Asing dan Reksadana adalah pembeli bersih yang melepaskan saham senilai USD 21,05 juta dan 4,59 Pada minggu keluar, pengiriman barang China pertama masuk ke pelabuhan kering Sost di GB Gulungan pertama China dikirim ke pelabuhan kering Sost di GB (CPEC) Berikut adalah beberapa rekomendasi BELI: Allied Bank Limited (ABL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 104.75 Harga Sasaran: PKR 120 Attock Cement (ACPL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 256.02 Harga Sasaran: PKR 329 Bank Al-Habib (BAHL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 48 Target Harga: PKR 60 DG Khan Cement (DGKC) 8211 B UO Harga Saat Ini: PKR 178.2 Harga Sasaran: PKR 216 ENGRO Fertilizer Limited (EFERT) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 63.90 Harga Sasaran: PKR 83 Engro Corporation (ENGRO) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 288 Harga Sasaran: PKR 361 Pupuk Fatima (FATIMA ) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 34.35 Harga Sasaran: PKR 39 Fauji Cement Company Limited (FCCL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 36.49 Harga Sasaran: PKR 47 Fauji Fert Bin Qasim (FFBL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 48,3 Target Harga: PKR 60 HUB Power CO (HUBCO) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 109.17 Harga Sasaran: PKR 121 Perusahaan Daya Kot Adu (KAPCO) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 76.3 Harga Sasaran: PKR 116 K-Electric (KEL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 9.4 Harga Sasaran: PKR 13 Kohat Cement (KOHC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 246.10 Harga Sasaran: PKR 353 Lucky Cement (LUCK) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 710 Harga Sasaran: PKR 755 MCB Bank Limited (MCB) 8211 BUY Current Prices : PKR 221.55 Harga Sasaran: PKR 243 Maple Leaf Cement Factory (MLCF) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 95 .35 Target Harga: PKR 122 Oil amp Gas Development Co (OGDC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 142.62 Harga Sasaran: PKR 164 Pak Electron (PAEL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 69 Target Harga: PKR 83 Pioneer Cement Limited (PIOC ) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 112.17 Harga Sasaran: PKR 126 Pakgen Power (PKGP) 8211 BUY Harga Sekarang: PKR 25.5 Harga Sasaran: PKR 40 Pakistan Oil Fields Limited (POL) 8211 BUY Harga sekarang: PKR 393.73 Target Harga: PKR 441 Pakistan Minyak Mentah (PPL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 153.99 Target Harga: PKR 177 Pak Suzuki Motors (PSMC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 539.2 Harga Sasaran: PKR 661 Minyak Negara Pakistan (PSO) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 406.37 Harga Sasaran: PKR 490 Pakistan Telecommunications (PTC) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 17.66 Harga Sasaran: PKR 21,9 Tariq Glass (TGL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 90,8 Target Harga: PKR 120 United Bank Limited (UBL) 8211 BUY Harga Saat Ini: PKR 214 Target Harga: PKR 235 Terima kasih banyak telah membaca artikel ini. CATATAN: Informasi yang diposting di forum blog ini (karachistockexchange. org) ini berdasarkan pada uraian saat ini hai investor sudut pandang. Mungkin ada perbedaan dalam kenyataan tanah. Ditulis oleh: Rana KhurramPertanyaan Umum Tentang Zafar Securities Private Limited Layanan apa saja yang ditawarkan oleh ZSL dan manfaat apa yang diperoleh dari layanan yang ditawarkan ZSL menyediakan Semua layanan perantara di Saham PSX (Bursa Efek Pakistan) dan Komoditi (PMEX). Kami juga menyediakan Underwriting untuk Listing dan dapat membantu perusahaan dalam mencapai Listing on PSX kami juga menyediakan Bimbingan Perdagangan dalam saham dan komoditas. Anda dapat menggunakan platform kami untuk menukar aplikasi Android Trading Terminal (Android and iPhone) BOS Trading Terminal dan Terminal Perdagangan Berbasis Web. Apa lokasi kantor Anda di Lahore amp Faisalabad Lokasi Zafar Securities disebutkan di halaman Hubungi kami. Kami berencana untuk segera membuka salah satu di Karachi. Bagaimana saya bisa mengakses laporan penelitian Anda? Anda dapat berlangganan semua laporan penelitian kami dengan mendaftarkan email Anda di blog kami Zafar Stocks News and Updates. Apa kredibilitas perusahaan Anda selama bertahun-tahun lamanya dalam bisnis ini Kami telah berkecimpung dalam bisnis ini selama 20 tahun terakhir dan chief executive kami telah menjalankan bisnis ini selama 25 tahun terakhir. Dia juga pernah menjadi ketua bursa dua kali dan telah bertugas di dewan pada beberapa kesempatan. Apa dakwaan untuk terminal perdagangan online Saat ini belum ada biaya terminal perdagangan online namun setelah kami memperbarui terminal perdagangan kami yang mencakup Informasi Keuangan langsung dan terbaru, akan ada biaya minimum tahunan Rs. 200 untuk layanan premium ini. Apakah Anda memiliki kantor Anda di gedung LSE Ya, benar. 519, Gedung Bursa Efek Lahore 19, Khayaban-e-Awan-e-Iqbal Lahore, Pakistan. Berapa tutup waktu kantor Anda Biasanya tutup pukul 17.30, namun kantor kami mungkin tetap buka sampai pukul 19:00. Apa lisensi anda no. Untuk memvalidasi keaslian Anda sebagai broker Kami terdaftar dengan kode PSX 068 dan SECP BRL 011. Apakah Anda memberikan tip atau rekomendasi untuk investasi Ya, kami memiliki diskusi forum di mana Anda dapat berpartisipasi dan mencari saran. Apakah Anda mengenakan biaya untuk layanan Anda (laporan penelitian, analisis teknis, komentar saham) Kami tidak mengenakan biaya untuk layanan reguler kami, namun layanan premium seperti data dasar tersedia dengan berlangganan kecil. Dapatkah Anda mengirimkan email kepada saya brosur Anda sehingga saya bisa mendapatkan informasi tentang perusahaan Anda Silakan kunjungi halaman web kami di zafarstocks Ini memiliki informasi terbaru tentang perusahaan kami. Cara mendapatkan terminal perdagangan online Siapa yang harus dihubungi untuk penarikan dana Anda dapat menggunakan terminal perdagangan untuk meminta penarikan dana, atau menghubungi palang cabang atau eksekutif akun Anda untuk membantu Anda. Apakah Anda memberikan kami sebuah pedagang terpisah Anda akan diberikan dengan Seorang pedagang atau eksekutif akun tertentu yang akan menjaga semua kebutuhan terkait akun Anda. Pembukaan rekening di PSX Berapakah investasi minimum yang diperlukan untuk pembukaan rekening Tidak ada persyaratan minimal untuk investasi di PSX. Namun, saldo kas minimum Rs. 5000 harus dipertahankan di akun Anda dengan ZSL. Apa biaya pembukaan akun Setelah tagihan berlaku untuk semua akun baru: Biaya UNI Rs.400-. Biaya NCSS Rs.400-. Biaya CDC Rs. 400-. Biaya Tahunan: Biaya NCSS Rs. 400-. Biaya CDC Rs. 400 - Apa biaya komisi Anda Komisi kami didasarkan pada sistem slab dan tidak tetap sebagai persentase dari nilai. Selanjutnya, kami memberikan potongan harga pada transaksi volume besar dan akun perdagangan hari yang sama. Bagaimana prosedur pembukaan rekening jika saya berada di luar negeri Ada tiga jenis rekening yang bisa Anda buka. JENIS 1) Rekening perorangan (Residen atau bukan penduduk Pakistan) Individu juga dapat memiliki rekening gabungan. Persyaratan: a) CNIC yang sah dari pemegang rekening dan calon (jika ada) membuktikan salinan semua pemegang rekening dan nominator diperlukan b) Rekening bank yang sah (formulir harus ditunjukkan oleh manajer cabang bank yang relevan TIPE 2) Rekening Perusahaan (Dimasukkan di Pakistan) Persyaratan a) Artikel Memorandum dan Asosiasi b) Keputusan Dewan c) Formulir A d) Sertifikat Pendirian e) Daftar orang-orang yang berwenang yang akan mengoperasikan rekening dan CNIC mereka. JENIS 3) Rekening Nasional Asing (akun SACRA) Anda dapat mendownload formulir kami untuk halaman web atau datang ke cabang kami untuk menerima formulir pembukaan rekening. Semua bentuk telah distandarisasi oleh SECPCDC. Anda harus memverifikasi tanda tangan Anda dari bank Anda dan mengirimkan formulir secara fisik kepada kami atau mengirimkannya dengan tangan ke kantor kami. Untuk lebih jelasnya, Anda dapat memeriksa informasi Invest kami ke PSX (Pakistan Stock Exchange). Berapa hari yang dibutuhkan untuk membuka rekening Dibutuhkan 2-3 hari kerja untuk membuka rekening. Dapatkah saya mengirimi Anda formulir yang telah diisi dengan benar Ya tapi kami akan meminta formulir asli untuk membuka akun Anda. Mengapa saya tidak menerima mandat dividen Mandat dividen jika diperiksa di SAVE Anda secara otomatis dikirim ke bank yang ditunjuk oleh perusahaan. Jika Anda tidak memeriksanya dengan baik perusahaan. Anda akan mendapatkan konter folio dividen setelah perusahaan menyetorkannya ke rekening bank Anda yang ditunjuk. Apa prosedur pembukaan rekening jika saya perlu melakukan perdagangan komoditi Anda perlu mendownload formulir komoditas kami dan mengisi rinciannya dan membawanya ke kantor kami bersamaan dengan Anda membenarkan CNIC. Setelah disetujui Anda akan diberikan login dan password oleh PMEX. Apakah itu rumah pialang Asim Zafar (Anak dari S. M. Zafar) Ya itu. Syed Asim Zafar is chairman of Zafar Securities Pvt. Ltd. If nominee8217s CNIC is expired, can an account be opened 8220Yes the account may be opened but it will be suspended and may not be operational. As a security feature if there is no activity buyingselling for more than a year, that the account becomes inactive and no more trading or withdrawal is allowed. You will have to contact us through your email account registered with us in order for it to become active again. The account is blocked due to the following reasons: 1. Incomplete or missing documentations 2. Notice issued by SECPCDCPSX 3. Expired CNIC 4. Suspicious Trading activity Investor account allows you to maintain your custody with CDC directly. I need to update my home address, mobile number, how can i do that Kindly use the 8220account update form8221 available in the download tab of our web page to update any information in your account. How account opening fee is to be deposited All the fees are automatically charged on your account. You are requested to keep a minimum balance of Rs. 5000 so that all fees are duly paid. When are ac opening charges deducted Account opening charges are deducted once at account opening time and then annually for account maintenance. From where can i get my CNIC attested You should have your CNIC attested from a 19 grade officer or above. Further you can bring the original to our office and get a scanned copy for the record. PSX Trading Can I trade in PSX if I reside abroad Yes, you can trade on PSX from anywhere in the world as long as you have opened an account with ZSL. What is the procedure if I wish to sell physical shares Step 1 . The procedure involves opening up an account with ZSL in the same nameperson in whose name the physical shares are endorsed. Langkah 2 . Have the transfer deeds verified from the company registrar. Langkah 3. Bring the transfer deeds along with the physical shares to ZSL office. Langkah 4. ZSL staff will fill out the share deposit request form. Step 5 . The account holderperson whose signature are endorsed on the transfer deed has to sign the share deposit request form and must retain a copy for his record. Step 6 . ZSL will send the physical shares along with the transfer deeds and share deposit request form to the company registrar. Step 7 . The company registrar will deface the share certificated and grant approval for CDC. Step 8 . Shares will be available in your CDC sub account with SSL as custody for future actionsale. The entire process may take up to 8 weeks. As a security feature if there is no activity buyingselling for more than a year, that the account becomes inactive and no more trading or withdrawal is allowed. You will have to contact us through your email account registered with us in order for it to become active again. The account is blocked due to the following reasons: 1. Incomplete or missing documentations 2. Notice issued by SECPCDCPSX 3. Expired CNIC 4. Suspicious Trading activity What is the extent of margin provided by ZSL What If any advance amount needs to be deposited You should have the entire amount in your account before you buy the shares. You can buy upto 3 times your net equity with ZSL. All trades will be settled on a T1 day cycle. ZSl will not provide any margin trading facility however you can trade in the margin trading system. How can i access online terminal Online trading system of ZSL is called BOS Trading Terminal. You can download it for free form our web portal zafarstocks and install it on your desktop (windows) Log in and password will be provided by ZSL on your email registered with us. What is the minimummaximum no. of shares that can be bought There is no minimum or maximum of shares that can be bought at ZSL. But remember that you need to have to make full payment in order to settle your obligations with PSX. Its advisable to invest only that amount which is freely available and is at your disposal. What is the method of cash withdrawaldeposit in account You can only deposit cash up to Rs. 25,000 in your account. We do not pay cash in any accounts. You will only be provided a payee account check. There is an offer for students on your website that Rs.1000 would be given if trading is carried out subject to conditions, explain this offer. 8220For students only. We want to see future investors of capital market grow. So young students who want to feel the trading environments get Rs. 1000 back from the commissions that they have paid to ZSL. Following are the terms and conditions: Valid for new accounts only with valid student ID, Provided the 25 trades are made within 15 days of account opening A trade is defined as having a minimum volume of 1000 shares at the same rate8221. What are your commission charges in commodities market Commission is based on the contract you are advised to discuss your slab with your account executive. How can i purchase IPO of companies You can participate in the book building process or apply for shares when the company goes for public subscription. How can i subscribe to right sharesbonus sharespreference shares Bonus shares are automatically credited to your CDC sub account subject to fulfilling the tax requirements of FBR. Right shares have to be subscribed to by receiving the letter of rights from our CDc department and payment of the appropriate amount in the designated bank of the company. Your shares will than be available in your cdc sub account within 45 days thereof. How much can you reduce commission rates if these are negotiable We offer special discounts for large volumes. What if i don8217t avail the offer of right sharesbonus sharespreference shares which are in my account The rights offer will lapse and the company may offer the same to anyone else. Can another account be opened in more than one brokerage firms Yes you may open account with other brokers however all your accounts will be tagged by a unique identification number (CNIC). Can trading be done on client8217s behalf Only authorized person can trade in your account. Power of attorney has to be given to that person How to deposit funds in account Either through on line fund transfer in any of our bank accounts or through cross check payee only account of Zafar Securities (Pvt.) Ltd. Explain your commission slab. Could you provide a commission slab which is easily understandable Commission is based on Slab system and vary on Share price. So for example if you were to purchase a share whose price is Rs. 5.50 than this price of share purchased falls in the slab range 0-10 and if your commission rate of this slab is Rs. 0.03 than your cost price will be Rs.5.53 per share. Similarly if you were to sell at Rs. 5.50 than your selling price will be Rs. 5.47. Please consult your slab to get further understanding. Also there are special discounts for day trading and we have different slabs for future and MTS trading. Right before the book closure of a company the PSX announces a spot date. This signifies that the all the trades falling on and after this date will be settled within 24 hours and will not be included in the t2 settlement cycle. Check our trading chart . Whenever there is an action (eg. dividend, right. bonus, AGM, EOGM Directors election. etc) the company announces a book closure date. For example a company announces 10 bonus shares. And book closure dates are 15 March to 18 March. The PSX will put the company on spot from 5th to the 14th and all the people in whose names the shares belong by the 15 March will be entitled to the 10 Bonus. So the x-date will be 15th. If you buy on the 15th you will not be entitled for the said bonus. Check our trading chart . Is commission charged per share Yes the commission is charged per share. In what stocks do you make us invest You should discuss your risk profile with our account executive and then make the investment. Is withdrawal of money made through cash or check We only make payee account checks and no cash is paid. Can you transfer funds directly to my bank account We only make payee account checks and can facilitate our valued clients by depositing money into their bank account. For how long can I hold shares You can hold shares as long as you desire. We have had some clients that have held physical shares since partition 1947. Even though these companies don8217t exist now. Do you provide guarantee for investment No there are no guarantees in the capital market. You will be assigned an account executive who will assist you and provide you with regular updates. Whom to call if there is problem in trading You should call the IT department at 042-36372470-3 or your account executive and update him regarding the problems Is index trade able after formation of PSX Yes Index is trade able but very illiquid Do you offer same day trading facility Yes we offer discounted commissions on same day trading. What is 8220exposure available8221 option in trading terminal This is the amount of investment you are allowed based on your available custody and cash Custody reduced value is the value of your shares after applicable haircuts. General Questions The stock exchange provides a market place where shares can be bought and sold. What is the Role of the Stock Exchange The stock exchange admits companies for trading at their securities. It provides a market for raising capital by companies. It provides a market place for shares of listed public companies to be bought and sold, by bringing companies and investors together at one place. The exchanges role is to monitor the market to ensure that it is working efficiently, fairly and transparently. How Many Stock Exchanges in Pakistan All stock exchanges (KSE, LSE, ISE) are marged into one stock exchange which is PSX (Pakistan Stock Exchange). What is Trading and Settlement The stock exchanges have introduced online trading system to provide a fair, transparent, efficient and cost effective market mechanism to facilitate the investors. The trading system comprises of four distinct segments, which are, 1.T3 Settlement System 2.Provisionally Listed Counter 3.Spot Transactions and 4.Futures Contracts. In the T3 settlement system, purchase and sale of securities is netted and the balance is settled on the third day following the day of trade. What are the Benefits of T3 Settlement System It reduces the time between execution and settlement of trades, which in turn reduces the market risk. It reduces settlement risk, as the settlement cycle is shorter. What is Provisionally Listed Counter The shares of companies, which make a minimum public offering of Rs.100 million, are traded on this segment from the date of publication of offering documents When the company completes the process of dispatchcredit of allotted shares to subscribers, through CDC it is officially listed and placed on the T3 counter. Trading on the provisionally listed counter then comes to an end and all the outstanding transactions are transferred to the T3 counter with effect from the date of official listing. Spot transactions imply delivery upon payment. Normally in spot transactions the trade is settled within 24 hours. A Futures contract involves purchase and sale of a financial or tangible asset at some future date, at a price fixed today. Each share represents a small stake in the equity of a company. You can buy large or small lots to match the amount of money you want to invest online. A companys share price can rise or fall as a result of its own performance or market conditions. Once the shares are brought and transferred in your name your name will be entered in the companys share register, which will entitle you to receive all the benefits of share ownership including the rights to receive dividends, to vote at the companys general meetings to receive the companys reports. If you decide to sell your shares you will need to deliver share certificates to the broker in time for the transaction to be completed. With the introduction of the Central Depository System (CDS), an investor can have shares in paper form or can own shares in an electronic book - entry form at the Central Depository Company (CDC). Companies issue shares to raise money from investors. This money is used for the development and growth of businesses of companies. A Company can issue different types of shares such as ordinary shares, preference shares, shares without voting rights or any other shares as are permissible under the law. These give shareholders a stake in the companys equity as well as a share in its profits, in the form of dividends, and a voting right at general meetings of shareholders. Studies have shown that over a twenty-year span, investment in shares has provided greater returns than most other forms of savings. ZSL Online shares trading can provide you with a regular stream of income through dividends as well as the potential for your investments to grow in value. If the prices of shares go up, you can sell them for more than you paid. This is called capital gain. Dividends are returns paid to shareholders out of the profits of the company. Returns can be in the form of cash or additional shares of the company called bonus shares. Dividends are usually paid once or twice a year depending upon the companys profit distribution policy. This is one of the ways in which shares differ from deposit accounts. The principal amount of money you put in a bank or any fixed income savings scheme always stays the same e. g. if you start with Rs.100,000 you will always have Rs.100,000 (other than any interest earned). changes in value according to the performance of the company. With good management, the value of your investment in shares of a company can grow over time so that your shares are worth more than you paid for them. This is capital growth. Buying shares can offer advantages over saving in deposit accounts: your investment may increase in value besides paying you dividends. You share the rewards when the company does well and the price of the shares goes up. But if the company performs badly, the share price may go down and the value of your investment will be reduced. Other factors, such as the performance of the stock market as a whole and the general economic climate, may also affect the price of your shares. Investment in shares is therefore investment in risk capital. The shareholders can be rewarded for taking this risk and the potential return on your money can be higher than that on other investments. You can reduce your risks with careful planning. What to do if there is a price difference in shares in LSE amp KSE We have unified in to PSX so there will only be the best price available all the time. How to transfer shares from sub-account to CDC investor account You can request our CDC department to transfer your specific shares to your CDC investors account or sign and send us your 8220standing instructions8221 to transfer all your holdings current and future to your CDC investor account. In case of death of account holder the nominee is in charge of the account ZSL is bound to follow the instructions given by the nominee. If there is no nominee of the account than only a valid succession certificate will be considered as valid instructions. Further a nominee is the authority until the succession certificate is produced which states otherwise. 8220CDC access IVR is a round-the-clock Interactive Voice Response system supported by a state-of-the-art call center, toll free number and dedicated customer support staff. For callers in Pakistan, this facility is provided through 0800 23275 (CDCPL). Overseas callers can dial 9221-4326038. The IVR service is available 247 while the dedicated customer relationship representatives are available for assistance during office hours (9:00 am to 6: 30 pm PST Monday to Friday). The key activities provided through CDC access IVR are as follows: Balance of a specific security Balance of last three active securities Balance of all securities Account Activity Report Cash Balance Cash Activity Report Requisition of Transaction Order (T. O) Book Change of contact numbers8221 How can I ensure that my shares are safe with you You will receive a smsemail alert every time there is movement in your account. Also you can visit your web account anytime and from anywhere to view your status. This account should match with your CDC sub account with ZSL. You should periodically match this with the print out of your CDC sub account How can i transfer shares from another brokerage house to your brokerage house Please fill out the CDC transfer request form and give it to the broker concerned. After due diligence the broker should transfer the shares to your account with ZSL. Please note that the account in both broker houses should match exactly. Do you provide guarantee for profits No there are no guarantees of profit in stock markets. I want to trade in Shariah Compliant shares, how can i do this There is a list of Shariah Compliant shares however each bankfund has its own method of judging. You can also review the Shariah-compliant stocks based index at PSX. Can you provide me a demo account for trading We can provide you with view only trading terminal and mobile app, you will only be able to view market information (rates) no trading is allowed. However SECP gives you a Stock Trading Simulator where you can also open demo account in which you can do dummy trading and view your account details and manage a dummy portifolio. Please visit jamapunji. pkstock-simulator and register today. If you double your dummy money please apply for a job with us. How much profit can i make if I invest in stocks Profit are subject to investment risks. Always compare your investments to the benchmark index and factor opportunity costs. is there anything i need to learn before i start trading Learning never ends. Keep learning but start with the basics like effects of demand and supply on stocks who will teach me how to invest or trade as I am new in this field Yes we do. Please feel free to contact us on live chat or any of our contact numbers. Is any prior experience required for trading in stock market No not really, everyone has to start somewhere. Can i depositwithdraw funds infrom LSE branch if I have an account at Johar Town Branch Yes you may receive your payee account check from any of our branches, provided you provide us with the appropriate instructions before hand Do you have any software like an auction platform I can use to host a virtual exchange where my members can trade electronic securities with each other if I list them No we don8217t and you would require an exchange licence for SECP in order for it to be functional. Can i trade in PSX if I do not open account at any brokerage firm What is the tax charged on filersnon-filers Currently dividend income of the filers and non files have a differential of 5 So filers are charges at 12.5 and non filers at 17.5 What is rate of tax on dividend and capital gains When is the account holder exempt from tax Dividend income is always taxed at source. Dividend income taxed at 12.5 Capital Gain tax depends on the holding period. If holding period is less than 1 year(365 days) than CGT 15 of the Net Gain and if holding period is more than 1 year but less than 2 year (730 days) than CGT is 12.5 of the Net Gain and if between 2 to 4 years (1,460 days) than 7.5 of the Net Gain finally there is no tax above 4 years holding period. Losses if any will have to be adjusted within that financial year and are not allowed to be carried forward. What to do if physical shares are to be transferred to my name The physical shares can be transferred into your name by filling out the verified transfer deed specific to the share certificate. After affixing the appropriate revenue stamp the share certificate along with these transfer deeds are sent to the company registrar. Who will endorse the share certificates in your name and return you the shares at the address provided on the transfer deed. The broker has a very important role in the capital markets. He is acting as a buyerseller on your behalf or in his own capacity and is guaranteeing the settlement of the buysell trade. Do you provide counterfeit money via which we could do trading through demo account as that provided by Forex No we don8217t and you would require an exchange licence for SECPState Bank in order for it to be functional. Bonus share are those shares that the company issues and are pari passu to the company shares however these have been paid up by the company from it earnings. Thus the shareholder does not have to subscribe to it by paying out of his own pocket. Basically these shares are free of cost for the shareholder. Normally Blue Chip companies are those stocks that have a history of paying out handsome dividends and have a consistent record of good corporate earnings. Has the timing of stock exchange extended after formation of PSX We have the same timings of PSX What is the base currency used for trading in PSX All rates are in PKR. How to Invest in Kenyan Stocks Feature photo by Mutua Matheka Back in June, we looked at ways to invest on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange through US discount brokers. Some intrepid readers may now be wondering how to buy shares on Africa8217s smaller stock markets. Samuel Gichohi is a Senior Research Analyst at NIC Securities. a division of Kenyas NIC Bank (NICB:KN ). He generously agreed to help us navigate the process of opening a Kenyan brokerage account and to share his views on the best bargains currently on offer at the Nairobi Stock Exchange. The Nairobi Stock Exchange hasn8217t been a great performer the past few years. Why should investors be investing in Kenya now Samuel Gichohi: The Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) is currently a buyers market which presents foreign investors with massive bargain opportunities. This situation is a result of various factors that have converged to push stock prices to levels that are out of whack with the fundamentals on the ground. These factors include a weakening currency (which has finally begun to stabilize), escalating fuel prices, a surge in local liquidity prompted by heavy bank lending to the private sector, and food inflation caused by the regions persistent drought. The situation was further compounded by increased political uncertainty due to the MENA crisis and the trials at the Hague of individuals suspected of instigating violence in Kenya following the 2007 election. As a result, despite healthy turnover levels, stock prices have suffered over the last six months. Only 13 out of 48 active stocks trade above their year-end levels. But financial results for the 2010 fiscal year indicate that listed firms 8212 especially the financial sector companies enjoyed explosive bottom line growth. This trend continued in the first and second quarter of this year, which indicates that economic growth is still on course. Considering that a majority of stocks currently trade at PE ratios below their respective sector PE ratios, and that 15 of the 29 largest-cap companies offer dividend yields above 3, there is an obvious mismatch between stock prices and company fundamentals. This is bound to correct going forward. In my view, the NSE is an ideal frontier market. It offers foreign investors exposure to the Kenyan economy, and 8212 because many listed firms have expanded beyond Kenyas borders 8212 it also serves as an entry point to the regional economy. In the short term, foreign investors can capitalize by investing in the weak shilling and seek exit points as it strengthens against the US dollar. Lets suppose I am a US-based investor and want to buy shares of a Kenyan stock. How would I do so Can you walk me through the account-opening process SG: The investor would need to open an account with a local stockbroker who will in turn open a Central Depository and Settlement Corporation (CDSC) account for them. The CDSC account is where all tradable shares are held electronically. Account opening forms are typically available on stockbrokers websites. The potential investor would first fill the forms and attach scanned copies of a recent passport-size photo, a certified copy of their drivers license or passport, and a certified copy of a tax return or utility bill. After the broker receives the documentation the investors account will be activated and details will be communicated to them within one business day. At NIC, we suggest that the documents be scanned and emailed to us. The originals can follow later. How would I, as a US-based investor, place a buy or sell order through NIC Securities Do I just send you an email SG: If the investor would like to place buy and sell orders by email, they can complete the email indemnity form and submit a one-off processing fee of KES200 (USD 2.30). Otherwise, the investor can communicate their order to us and arrangements can be made to accommodate them as long as adequate security measures to facilitate proper identification are in place. What expenses are incurred when trading Kenyan stocks Can you give me a breakdown of the commission and fees SG: The Capital Markets Authority (CMA) regulated commissions for trades below KES100,000 (USD1,111) is 2.1 and 1.85 for trades above that amount. At NIC, lower commissions are negotiable depending on deal sizes. Do most Kenyan brokers have minimum amounts required to open a trading account To place a trade SG: At NIC Securities, opening a CDSC account is free and the minimum trade size is 100 shares of any counter. We, however, pride ourselves on having the capacity to handle very large trade sizes with very low turnaround times. How are dividends delivered to foreign investors Can they be deposited into my trading account SG: Dividends cannot be deposited into a trading account. This is a market regulation. However, dividends can be deposited directly into the clients bank account and arrangements can be made to reinvest the funds from there. Must an investor have a Kenyan bank account to collect dividends Or can they be wired to a US bank account SG: When opening a CDSC account the investor is required to indicate their dividend disposal preference which could also be to have the money wired to their foreign account. The concern for the investor would be that they would have to bear the cost for the electronic funds transfer. Having a local holding account to allow the dividends to accumulate before being wired to the foreign account would be a good idea. Most local banks have dollar denominated accounts and these can also be used to hold the dividends to take advantage of currency fluctuations. What sort of account reporting can an investor expect to receive Do brokers send a monthly statement of my cash and stock holdings SG: Brokers provide periodic and on demand statements which show the securities that an investor holds with that particular broker at any point in time. Total portfolio holdings (which can be held through more than one broker) will be sent via email to the investor by the CDSC every six months for dormant accounts, and at the end of any month in which there is any trading activity on the account. A couple Kenyan stockbrokers failed recently, are there now safeguards in place to protect investors and prevent similar events from happening again SG: A number of market reforms have taken place recently in an effort to protect investors funds. They have resulted in the introduction of an automated trading system, more stringent capitalization and disclosure requirements, the adoption of a standard stockbrokerage platform, and the eventual demutualization of the NSE. The minimum capitalization requirement has resulted in most of the smaller brokerage firms being acquired by banks. Investment banks which have not reached the KES250 Million capital threshold have been relegated to stock brokerage status, which requires a minimum capitalization of KES50 million. The government plans to increase the investor compensation fund and investors are being educated on how to identify and report fraudulent behavior. What is your favorite Kenyan stock right now SG: I have three favorites. First is Scangroup (SCAN:KN ). It is East Africas largest advertising holding company with an 80 market share. It faces no local competition, which enhances its ability to attract and retain the regions best talent. Being a listed company means it can also retain its top employees through stock options. In a human-capital intensive field such as advertising, this is extremely important. The companys 2010 results were affected by costs related to its acquisition of Ogilvy East Africa, a former competitor. We expect the merger to result in cost advantages going forward. Were also bullish on the company because competition in East Africas banking and telecoms industries is heating up. This will ensure higher ad-spends and thus more revenues for Scangroup. We expect annual profit growth north of 20 this year. It currently sells at a PE of 20, but we consider it undervalued because of growth opportunities. My second pick is Equity Bank (EQBNK:KN ). It is the fastest-growing bank in Kenya and boasts a market share of deposits that has grown from 1.7 in 2005 to 6.2 in 2009. The deposit growth has been driven by branch expansion 8212 particularly in Kenyas rural areas and by mobile phone banking. Equity Bank caters primarily to the SME and lower income segment with most loans being below KES100,000. This banking the unbanked model has yielded impressive results, evidenced by deposit growth of 44 during the first half of this year. Equity has also done an admirable job at containing costs and maintaining the quality of its loan book. Both of these factors should lead to improved margins. Finally, for the income investor, I like KenolKobil (KNOC:KN ), a downstream oil marketer with a skillful and motivated management team. The company is focused on growing its storage capacity and distributional efficiencies, which is imperative for survival in the Sub-Saharan African fuel-marketing industry. As competition increases and margins decline, the company will be able to take advantage of its scale economies. I also like that it is well diversified both geographically and in terms of its product range. The company has a heavy presence with over 400 service stations in East and Central Africa as well as Southern Africa. All this is backed by the additional effect of increasing property prices that could lead to significant profits when the company disposes of some of its non-core assets. The company is currently selling at a historical PE of 10 and a half-year dividend yield of 5. At the current price, the full year dividend yield will be approximately 10 with profit growth, and a dividend pay-out ratio of 40-45, the company is a cash cow. Do you have questions on how to invest on the Nairobi Stock Exchange If you do, share them in the comments. Want to Learn More Subscribe to our mailing list (it8217s free), and you8217ll join over 4600 other investors who get each new article delivered straight to their inbox. Samuel Gichohi says Hi Jalas Thanks for your query. As a minor you can invest on the NSE just like any other investor. Your parents or guardians will however be required to initiate any activity on the account until you reach the age of 19 years. the account will be opened as a joint account between the minor and the parentguardian. the minor will be required to provide a birth certificate and passport photo while the parentguardian will be required to meet all the KYC requirements by providing Certified copies of PassportID, Pin Certificate, Utility bill and Photo. they will also be required to sign the GTC and email indemnity forms to facilitate account opening and transactions. What is your take on Olympia Capital Holdings (OCH). It looks pretty cheap at Ksh. 3. I was thinking that since the housing market is at its peak, they might be selling lots of tiles. Khalid aluweny says I see a lot questions from people wanting to start investing and wondering how to go about it I think first you need to decide what sort of investor you want to be i. e. a)Defensivepassive or b) enterprisingactive. In simple terms you need to decide whether or not you have capacity and can put considerable effort (e. g. at least 6 hours a week) and intelligence to the task. This decision would be reflected in how you divide up your portfolio between shares and say, cash or bonds etc8230 Defensive investors use conservative methods, go for important, big, financially robust and entrenched companies8230 Enterprising investors are virtually free to search for value wherever they can find it and use more aggressive methods. Naturally the enterprising investor requires a higher return for his intelligent effort. Read Intelligent Investor for more on this perspective on investing. Then you simply need to understand the businesses you invest in and treat your operations for profit as a traditional businessman would 8211 be sure of a profit before you go in absent promises or prospects and this goes to the price you pay. Research as much you can about the business, management, competitors, customers, etc looking for items that may impair future business, competitive advantages, etc. I would personally discourage non-professionals from selecting individual companies and instead focus on group buys e. g. look for say 15-30 companies selling for less than their working capital net of total liabilities with conservative capital structures and of stable character. Alternatively, just go for high dividend yield and high asset backing for the shares. Excellent comment, Ray. If you8217re going to invest heavily in individual stocks, take the time to get to know that company8217s operations intimately. If you are unable to commit the time and energy to this, it is best to diversify across a large number of stocks (preferably through an index fund) and hold them for the long-term. I just opened my CDSC account last month with equity bank online and must say your article and the comments thread along it has been of greatest help and encouragement . I started with a little capital and I can see myself putting more funds in the near future into the whole business. Currently am trading 8220penny stock8221 and am doing good. Tomorrow 29th Monday June 2015 am offloading Mumias sugar shares hoping it will be not less than Ksh.2.5share, I bought the shares at 1.65 share earlier in the month. for 12800 shares, I would have made some good cash there. Thanks for your article. Ryan Hoover says Glad to hear it, Smada Congrats on the Mumias gain. Be careful with penny stocks, however, as they can also move quickly in the wrong direction. How was the account opening process at Equity Bank Online Would you recommend them to other investors Berbetto Nyamwamu says From your short post, it is difficult to establish the exact issue on which you would like to receive advice. Generally though, trading on the stock market involves high risk and potentially high returns. A trader with the right information and analysis is likely to perform better than another who gambles his way about the market. One8217s portfolio size, willingness and ability to take risks, liquidity, time horizon and other circumstances will also play a role in determining one8217s optimal mix of shares. Write to Ashanti Research (you can find our contacts online via a Google search) and we would be happy to give advice, or even better, set up a stock portfolio up for you. yuri james kihato says Mr livigu share trading is adouble edged sword or fire it can hurt or help you the trick is always to gather inteligence before investing also learn to exit and enter at the right moment. statistics like daily turnover, total demand and supply should be in your mind finally no one get experience free of charge take risk but calculated one. Hi Ryan, I8217m Kenyan and looking to get some advice on how to read the market when it comes to short term investments. How do you make a good decision or rather what are the factors to look at or for when investing in the stock exchange I find short-term investing extremely difficult because of the stock market8217s volatility. It8217s nearly impossible to predict with any degree of consistency whether a given stock will be up or down over a period of a week or two. That8217s why I tend to look for good companies trading at a fair price and hold on to them for a year or more. This gives the management of the business enough time to execute on their strategy and for the market to recognize their success (or failure). How do you spot a company trading at a fair price One rule of thumb is to look at a companies annualized earnings growth rate over the past five years. If this rate is higher than the stock8217s PE ratio, you may have identified a bargain. But don8217t stop there. Research the company further. What8217s the reason it might be trading so cheaply If you can8217t find a reason and you feel like you understand how the business operates, buy the stock and give it some time to run. Happy investing Ryan Hello, Ryan. I can see you give good stock exchange tips. Do you happen to know which companies will show good sales this fall Or should I ask my broker I would like to know from real clients who are spending their money and who have had success. Is investing for a 5-year period something that someone can rely on or is it a matter of gambling with the period I8217d like to know more about how these things work. I have invested in some shares right now, and I am just not sure what if I should be looking to buy something else. Regards, Adhis Just curious if you knew whether dividends can be automatically reinvested in those respective stock holdings rather than having to get paid out into a checking account or wired to a foreign bank account Matt Avery says That8217s great to hear, Jack. First, you will want to make sure that you invest only money that you do not need for the next five years or so. Before investing in the market, save up an emergency fund that can cover six months of living expenses in case you lose your job or have an unforeseen expense like a medical bill. Then pay off any high-interest debts you may owe. When you have done all this, then you can consider investing in the market. Find a reputable broker, like the ones listed in this article, and open an account. After that, invest only in companies that you know and understand. Buy them at good prices and hold on to them until the prices look expensive. Hope this helps get you started All the best to you, Ryan Would you be kind enough to listrecommend some of the more reputable brokers in the NSE, preferably those who support online access and those with timely responses to customer inquiries. I think if the NSE actively encouraged the stockbrokers to engage the diaspora community the weekly trading volumes could be improved tremendously not to mention the capital that would be available to the listed companies. A lot more definitely needs to be done and discussions like these definitely need to be had. Direct market access by Kenyan citizens in the U. S through a US stockbroker like. etrade, tdameritrade or optionsexpress would definitely help inject the volume, capital and buoyancy that would catapult the NSE to greater heights that would lead to more institutional investors. Perhaps the NSE should engage some of the US brokers. A huge chunk of the kshs. 45billion(YTD 2013) funnelled by the diaspora could now become part of the NSE trading activity. I am a university student in Kenya and interested in trading on the stock market. What is the minimum amount I need to start, specifically with NIC. Thanks in advance, Benson Samuel can correct me if this has changed, but NIC does not require a minimum amount to open an account. Each trade, however, must be for a minimum of 100 shares. So, depending on the company you are interested in, you will likely need to invest at least Ksh300 and perhaps as much as Ksh50,000 if you wish to purchase a share like Limuru Tea, which is currently priced at Ksh490.00 per share. Happy investing Ryan I can only say thank you to Ryan, Simon and all those who asked questions. Almost all my questions if not all have been answered. I am more knowledgeable now, though I know I still have a lot to learn. I am also a studentbeginner looking to invest in the NSE and I must say this article has been of great help. Thanks, Mike. I8217m glad to hear it. Keep us posted on your investing adventures Francis Kabui says Hello, Is it possible for me in Kenya to have an account with a stockbroker in the United States Would you have a list of the stockbrokers to contact in the US, and what is the minimum amount required for investing I think your best bet is Interactive Brokers. I8217m not certain they accept Kenyan clients, but they do accept some other foreign citizens. The minimum to open an account is 10,000, unless you are younger than age 26, in which case the minimum is 3,000. All the best, Ryan Francis Kabui says Thanks for the info. Specifically, I8217m looking to make investments in the US based on recommendations in an online publication from the US (Daily Wealth) that I8217ve been following for a while now, which is why I8217m looking for a stockbroker in the US. Scottrade is your best online broker that accepts international accounts. Minimum to open an account is 500. Fees per trade are 7 per trade for stocks trading above 1. Otherwise penny stock fees are 7 plus 5 of the overall purchase for stocks trading for less than 1. FYI8230you can use the 500 to purchase stocks. If you are a beginner, do not open a margin account. A margin account allows one to short stocks and the minimum to open a margin account is 25,000. Since you want to make money when stocks go up, you need to open the regular account for 500. Scottrade has inter-banking wire transfers, so once you sell your shares, they can wire the money directly to your account. You can also buy more shares using wire transfers. If you are looking for cheap stocks with potential, look at stocks in the mobile and gaming industries, even though they are mostly cyclical. i. e, their share prices spike only after the 4th quater results are out. exaples include GLUU, MCZ, etc. for long term stocks with potential, look at NOK and TRQ. You may need to learn ratios like EPS amp PE to help you determine whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued. You only make money with undervalued stock because of potential to go up. Great info, Edward. Do you know whether Scottrade will open a trading account for a Kenyan citizen who does not reside in the US I get a lot of questions from foreign investors wanting to invest on the NYSE and Nasdaq. Scottrade has always had trading accounts for foreign nationals who are not U. S. residents. However, there are numerous paperwork that must be filled out for tax purposes and for prevention of money laundering. All these paperwork is available online at scottrade. I will do a detailed research on the entire process and paperwork required, and will post the info here. Hi Ryan, that was very educative. Exactly what i was looking for and am happy i bumped into it. The thing is, am an outgoing student and would like to invest long term. Which companies can you recommend And say i was to open an CDSC account with NIC, would i still have to worry about the companies they invest my money in or would it be completely up to them Please reply8230 Francis Kabui says Hello, So far I have not been successful in my search for a US stockbroker. While Scottrade do not cater for my geographical area (yet), Interactive Brokers require their clients to have a level of investor expertise I8217m yet to attain (I8217m just starting out in the world of investors). Any other suggestions you might have for US stockbrokers I could contact are very welcome. captain kuto says I have just started trading NSE stocks online through DBIB. However, there seems some hidden charges I cant comprehend, like today, I placed an order of 100 of Longhorn publishers at 15.95. The order value thus, was 1,595, a brokerage fee of 28.39 and Tr. Charges of 6.10. This would bring the total charges to KES 1,629.49. Yet the total I was charged for that order was KES 2,129.495 which is 500.005 excess of the expected charges. What could be the reason My experience: Very interesting experience. Last month I made a call to them asking how I could start trading using their platform. They told me to open an account and pay a monthly Kshs. 100 account maintenance fee up and above the brokerage and transaction fees Could they have charged you Kshs. 500 for the period to December I strongly advise you visit or give them a call. Happy trading Thank you for a great website, Ryan I8217m a European wanting to invest in the NSE. Which broker should I choose I would appreciate a working online platform and high quality market information. Does anyone have any recommendations Dyer and Blair also has an online trading platform: dyerandblair I haven8217t seen research from either of these brokers recently, but I am impressed with the research that I receive from Kestrel Capital and Old Mutual Kenya. Neither of them offer online trading, however, as far as I8217m aware. Thank you for the reply, Ryan I8217m in the process of opening an account SBG. However, it turns out I need a Kenyan bank account for dividend disposal if I don8217t want them sending checks via post. This has turned out to be problematic because, for example, CFC Stanbic requires me to be in Kenya in person in order to open an account. Any recommendations for a banking service provider I had written them to inquire on how to go about it. actually today and the only hinderance is that im not in Kenya. Any recommendations highly apprecited8230.. I am a Kenyan stock day trader based in the US. My question is this. Where are we in implementing the online stock trading in Kenya where traders can actually enter there own buy and sell orders at the click of a button without having to contact their broker. If this is implemented, this will bring in a lot of liquidity in the market and thus offer more opportunities due to the price movements. I missed the above comment. I think it answers my question. But if you would like to add a comment, please feel free. I would like to know the process of starting online trading in kenya. Hello Ryan, Thank you for informative analysis. I have gained enough skills through your post and am planning to visit my stock broker. Am thinking of buying KPLC shares they are currently do expansions and moving into more reliable and cheap mode of electricity generation also keeping in mind the PE ratio on 10 unloved Kenyan Stocks. Keep up the Good work. God bless Regards, Enock hi Ryan8230 I am a student planning to get high motivation on Kenya investments. it will be my wish to buy the kplc shares. I will really appreciate if you advice me. Terima kasih. Ryan Hoover says It8217s great that you8217ve already developed an interest in investing. Before you do, I would advise that you save an emergency fund equal to approximately six months of your living expenses. Deposit this emergency fund in a savings account that pays interest at a higher rate than inflation. After this, I suggest that you pay off any high-interest debt that you have. This is a guaranteed way to get a return on your money, and it will allow you to save more quickly in the future. If you8217ve completed both of these, then it8217s time to begin thinking about opening a share trading account with a stock broker. You can follow the steps in the article above. KPLC is a nice stock to start with. It pays a healthy dividend and should benefit from all of the new power plants that are adding electricity to the grid. Hope this helps and keep us posted on your progress Ryan Hi Ryan i am in the process of opening a brokerage account in Kenya but am unable to open a bank account (for dividends) as I am a foreigner. Do you have any suggestions please Hallo Sir Thank you for the info on investing in stocks. As a youth I believe I can now start investing in stocks by following your advice always. The gov8217t has floated the idea of introducing capital gains tax, so please explain to me how this might affect me as an investor. Please also assist with the twitter and facebook accounts. Thank you and once again good job. Zedekiah Odhiambo Great question, Zeddy. As I understand it, the Kenyan government has approved a capital gains tax of 5. What does this mean to you as an investor Well, suppose you bought a stock at a price of 100 shillings per share. Over the next year, the price of the share increases to 120 shillings per share. If you decide to sell the shares at that time, your capital gain would be 20 shillings per share (Ksh120 8211 Ksh100 Ksh20). This capital gain will be taxed at a rate of 5 (Ksh20 x 5 Ksh1). So, after capital gains tax, the return on your investment is Ksh19 per share (Ksh20 8211 Ksh1 Ksh19). Hope this helps and happy investing Following Zeddy8217s question, what are the other tax implications for foreigners investing in the NSE. For instance, I know dividends and interest bearing accounts are taxed at 10 for local investors. Do foreigners investing in NSE attract different tax rates. Also, do they need to lodge an annual tax return with KRA I may be wrong, but my understanding is that the withholding tax on dividends and interest income is 5 for Kenyan residents andor citizens of the East African Community. Everyone else is taxed at 10. Because it is a withholding tax, non-Kenyans do not need to file a tax return with the KRA. I8217m not sure how common this is outside the USA, but American citizens can avoid double taxation of their Kenyan investment income through use of the Foreign Tax Credit. The amount paid in Kenyan withholding tax can be used to reduce taxes owed to the IRS. Hope this helps and thanks for the great questions Thanks alot that was very helpful. Now let me start scouting for a broker and start investing. Bye I8217M a student involved in a competition running for four months with a capital of 5 million. Please advice on which shares to purchase in such a short period for me to earn the highest portfolio. Is it advisable to place bondsShould I buy shares from the day8217s gainers or losersShould I buy the cheapest shares or those with high pricesWhat maximum share should I buy in each company selling sharesWhat are the figures in the NSE data should I check to decide on which company to invest in Ngetich Peter says Hi, am a Kenyan citizen and would like to start investing in NSE what is the minimum amount that I have to start with for my investment, that is in Kenyan shillings reply plz thenx Ryan Hoover says Great to hear that you8217re considering investing in Kenyan stocks. As far as I know, most Kenyan brokers do not require a minimum amount to begin investing, but many will require that you purchase at least 100 shares of stock per transaction. Therefore if the stock is trading at Ksh15.00 per share, you will need Ksh1500 plus commissions and fees to execute the transaction. Commissions and fees are 2.1 of the total trade amount. So, in our example, KShs1500 x 2.1 Kshs 31.50. What a conversation Ryan This is incredible. You have opened my eyes. I now look at the world with economic lenses. I have learned so much from this conversation. I hope you are still keyed in because I will be back for more. Ryan Hoover says Thanks, Nelson We8217ve got a fantastic group of readers. I8217m glad you8217re one of them, and hope that you8217ll stay tuned for new articles coming soon. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise on Africa Stock Markets. I am new to this and I was just wondering what the difference would be opening an account with KCB versus say SBG or Dyer and Blair. Is there any advantage that one would enjoy Hi Ryan, I am 17 and from Saudi Arabia. I live with my parents and I have 5300USD in Savings and I wish to invest those in the Nairobi Securities Exchange ESPECIALLY IN Media and Advertisement stocks. So I wish that you guide me on where and how to do so. I wish that the method be online so it be easier for me to access the trades. Thanks Please which stock broking orm can i use to buy kenyan stocks online. Masimba Ndiraire says Hie. I hope I find well. what are the exact documents required for one to open CDSS account in Nairobi Kenya. I am a Zimbabwean staying in Zimbabwe I had opened an CDS account with suntra investments through KCB. Now i want to trade actively online through your bank. In mobile app, an app for my tablet and my PC. What do i need to do and if i was to open another cds account what do i need How safe is the online platform and if I am only trading and money remaining in my trading account including dividends is there a risk of my capital decreasing due to govt taxes Hi Ryan, kindly guide me on how to calculate my profit gained from trading shares. Thanks Ryan Hoover says Good question. The formula is: (selling price dividends) 8211 (purchase price commissions) profit You should write and article catering for questions arising from citizens of Kenya. What is the minimum number of shares I have to buy when I am investing in any quoted company at NSE Kenya. Ryan Hoover says You must purchase at least 100 shares when buying and selling stock in Kenya. P. S. Good idea about the article for Kenya investors. In the meantime, feel free to post questions here, and I will respond as best I can I am interested to know all about the stock market..please help me to understand it and profit from it..please help

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