Kutipan Anda Bisa Merancang Rencana Perdagangan Paruh Waktu Yang Menghasilkan Uang Catatan: Ini bukan skema cepat kaya atau sistem perdagangan kotak hitam. Dari: David Jenyns - Pakar Desain Sistem Ada ratusan ahli gambarkan kata kunci yang ingin menjual produk cepat kaya dengan harga banyak. Mungkin Anda sudah membeli beberapa sudah. Beberapa dari mereka bekerja - beberapa dari program ini bahkan hebat. Tapi di mana hampir semuanya gagal adalah melukis gambar bagaimana trading bekerja. Bila Anda mengerti PERSIS apa yang diperlukan untuk merancang sistem perdagangan yang sangat baik, Anda akan mengerti mengapa kebanyakan orang gagal menghasilkan uang. Faktanya adalah, saya dapat menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana menjadi trader yang sukses, tapi akan bekerja Mari berbagi dengan Anda selangkah demi selangkah, cetak biru yang bisa diikuti siapa pun untuk merancang sistem perdagangan paruh waktu yang menguntungkan - disesuaikan dengan situasi unik Anda. 7 tahun dalam pengembangan dan uji coba dengan ratusan klien pembinaan saya, cetak biru ini sekarang telah terbukti bekerja dengan forex, saham, opsi, futures, cfds, dan semua pasar lainnya. Sangat cocok untuk para pemula yang ingin berdagang intraday atau kerangka waktu yang lebih lama - ini adalah panduan lengkap untuk perdagangan yang menguntungkan. Memperkenalkan Sistem Perdagangan Ultimate 2.0 (UTS2.0) Di dalam manual yang menakjubkan ini, Heres hanya beberapa hal yang akan Anda temukan: Cara cepat dan mudah memulai profitabilitas trading. 3 komponen penting semua sistem perdagangan yang menguntungkan harus dimiliki. Rahasia menguasai disiplin, kepercayaan diri dan psikologi Anda. Cara terbaik untuk masuk dan keluar dari perdagangan Anda. Alat apa yang digunakan trader profesional. Bagaimana cara membuktikan sistem trading Anda bekerja, sebelum Anda menukarkannya. Bagaimana memaksimalkan keuntungan Anda dan meminimalkan kerugian Anda. Cara berdagang part time tapi membuat profit full time. Singkatnya, Anda akan belajar bagaimana secara konsisten menghasilkan lebih banyak uang. Lakukan metode ini bekerja Unggulan di Smart Investor. Saya tahu metode saya bekerja dan begitu juga ratusan pedagang di seluruh dunia yang telah menguji mereka (klik di sini untuk membaca testimonial mereka). Yang mengatakan, jangan mengambil kata-kata saya untuk itu, metode bekerja dengan baik, saya telah menarik perhatian banyak buletin, surat kabar dan jurnal perdagangan. Bahkan Smart Investor, salah satu majalah dagang Australias yang paling bergengsi, melakukan penyebaran halaman penuh pada saya dan metode trading saya. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang saya, klik di sini untuk membaca biodata penuh atau google nama saya quotDavid Jenynsquot. Jika Anda begitu sukses berdagang, mengapa Anda memberikan rahasia Anda Percaya atau tidak, sulit menerima surat demi surat dari orang-orang yang menganggap diri mereka sebagai quotnewbiesquot - yang tidak mencari nafkah pada pekerjaan mereka, dan tidak melihat kemungkinan untuk melanggar Bebas dari perlombaan tikus untuk memiliki kehidupan yang mereka inginkan. Mereka tidak mampu membeli produk yang mereka butuhkan untuk mengubah situasi mereka. Saya hanya berharap seseorang telah memberikan ini kepada saya tujuh tahun yang lalu ketika saya memulai - ini akan membuat saya lebih banyak uang lebih cepat, dan menghemat banyak uang, waktu dan frustrasi yang terbuang. Seberapa jauh faktanya, saya membuat sebagian besar kekayaan melalui perdagangan dan investasi. Bukan melalui penjualan ebooks. Saya tidak butuh uang anda Konon, mentor bisnis saya pernah mengajari saya, agar seseorang melihat nilai dalam sesuatu, pasti ada nilai tukar antara kedua belah pihak. Dengan kata lain, bagi Anda untuk melihat nilai di UTS2.0, Anda harus membayar sesuatu untuk itu. Saya tidak terlalu peduli dengan apa yang Anda bayar, selama Anda membayar sesuatu. Setelah mengobrol dengan tim saya, kami menyetujuinya, biaya minimum yang kami izinkan adalah 7 - ini cukup banyak mencakup biaya overhead untuk situs web dan dukungan kami. Anda harus setuju itu sangat adil. Download salinan UTS2.0 Anda dan pelajari bagaimana mendapatkan tepi perdagangan yang signifikan dibandingkan pedagang lain. Hanya 7 Setelah Anda memesan, saya segera mengirimkan email link download untuk ebook 56 halaman ini dan saya yakin Anda akan senang dengan itu. Membelinya. Terapkan itu Keuntungan dari itu Pelatih Trading Anda, PS. Apakah Anda memiliki pertanyaan Anda bisa email saya dengan mengklik di sini. PPS. Selama 4 tahun terakhir 12.500 orang telah mendownload ebook UTS saya dan Heres apa yang beberapa dari mereka katakan. QuotI skeptis ketika saya melihat judulnya tapi kemudian saya mulai membaca buku itu dan menjadi SPEECHLESS Hal ini FANTASTIS Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa saya memiliki pengalaman trading yang panjang, saya sekarang menggunakan Sistem Perdagangan Ultimate untuk merancang setiap sistem perdagangan baru Mengapa Karena itu Mengembun segala sesuatu yang perlu Anda ketahui dan lakukan menjadi rencana tindakan sederhana yang dapat diimplementasikan oleh ANYONE. Informasi, link, tip, dan trik di dalamnya layak digolongkan menjadi GOLDquot Mark McRae. TraderAuthor Profesional - yakin-forex-trading quotI pikir itu adalah bacaan yang bagus. Ini merangkum banyak hal tentang perdagangan dengan hanya 56 halaman buku lainnya sekitar 200 halaman atau lebih. Karena setiap bab tepat dan tepat, saya dapat menyimpan sebagian besar informasi penting. Saya pasti akan merekomendasikan book. quot ini jauh lebih baik daripada banyak quothust-readsquot. Setelah membaca beberapa buku trading, saya pikir yang terbaik adalah yang saya baca sejauh ini mencakup banyak area dengan fakta yang jelas. Mengapa membaca sepuluh buku lain jika buku Anda mencakup semua Tentu saja karena Anda memasukkan banyak informasi dalam buku Anda, ini memerlukan perhatian penuh saat membaca. Kuota yang telah diperdagangkan selama empat tahun dan kombinasi UTS 1.0 dan TSR1 adalah titik balik dalam Perdagangan saya Saya pribadi berpikir bahwa kedua edisi kedua lebih baik. Pekerjaan itu jelas dari seseorang yang berdagang juga dan tidak hanya menulis literatur perdagangan. Nilai dari dokumen-dokumen ini terletak pada mata orang yang melihatnya, mengapa hanya sebagian kecil orang yang membacanya sampai di halaman 54, dan yang lebih kecil lagi akan menerapkannya. Salah satu pelajaran yang sangat penting yang saya pelajari adalah berdagang secara fisik dengan uang sungguhan, tidak ada lagi yang bisa mengajari Anda lebih banyak atau menunjukkan kepada Anda apakah Anda cocok untuk pekerjaan ini. Tidak ada papertrade yang bisa mengajari Anda tentang selip atau kebugaran mental untuk menang atau kehilangan uang sungguhan. Teruslah bekerja dengan baik. quot Pieter van der Westhuizen - Moorreesburg, Soth Africa Saya merasa konsepnya sangat bagus. Ini mencakup setiap aspek yang dibutuhkan untuk menyusun sistem perdagangan yang sukses. Semua poin penting dialamatkan. yaitu. Rencana perdagangan, manajemen uang, masalah psikologi, entri dan keluaran, perangkat lunak perdagangan dan penyedia data, pengujian kembali dan kinerja sistem metrik. Saya menemukan gaya tulisan Anda mudah dibaca, tanpa terlalu bertele-tele. Anda mempresentasikan semua informasi yang relevan secara sistematis dan menurut saya kebanyakan trader dengan beberapa pengalaman akan mengidentifikasi dengan ekspektasi perdagangan yang realistis yang Anda ekspresikan. Mzm. Saya sangat menikmati OTM. Tampaknya bekerja dengan sangat baik, dengan konten berkualitas dan postingan anggota aktif. quot Peter Reynolds - Melbourne, Australia quotDavid..namaku Murray Marshall dan saya membaca versi baru sistem perdagangan 2.0 Anda. Kursus ini memiliki banyak akal sehat dan bacaannya mudah dibaca karena Anda telah menyaring ratusan halaman menjadi buku panduan trading sederhana namun efektif. Saya berharap ini terjadi saat saya memulai 15 tahun dan banyak kerugian yang lalu. Saya tahu saya akan membuat semua kerugian saya kembali dengan menggunakan guidlines yang disajikan dalam manual Anda yang lebih dari apapun yang dia gunakan untuk mengubah cara Anda berpikiran mana yang paling penting. Pertahankan tolok ukur Murray Marshall - Alberta, Kanada Saya baru saja selesai membaca Ultimate Trading Systems 2.0 Anda. Alasan saya selesai membaca dengan sangat cepat adalah saya tidak bisa menolaknya. Sebagai seorang pemula, saya sekarang memiliki semua info yang saya butuhkan tentang bagaimana memulai trading Fx. Saya telah memuat banyak informasi tentang masalah ini tapi manual ini adalah semua yang Anda butuhkan dalam satu buku. Sebagai seorang pemula, saya rasa Anda tidak bisa memulai perdagangan Fx tanpa terlebih dahulu membaca manual ini untuk memahami sepenuhnya apa yang terlibat. Terima kasih David. quot Barry Ellis - Afrika Selatan quotI telah meninjau Manual Perdagangan ini oleh David Jenyns, dan Id ingin mengatakan, betapa hebatnya dunia trading. David meletakkan landasan untuk sukses. Jika Anda mengikuti apa yang dia katakan di sini di permata kecil ini, Anda akhirnya akan menjadi pemenang. Ini akan memberi Anda pemahaman tentang risiko dan pengelolaan uang yang sangat penting, yang David, dalam semua materinya, unggul. Saya akan sangat merekomendasikan e-book ini kepada siapa saja yang menginginkannya. Belajar untuk perdagangan Pelajari tentang menarik pemicunya. Pelajari tentang mengelola Perdagangan karena berlanjut hingga ditutup. Dan untuk belajar tentang apa yang dibutuhkan Anda untuk menjadi kesuksesan yang Anda inginkan. Sederhana banget. Jangan menunda-nunda Ambil salinan Anda SEKARANG. Dan memulai perjalanan. Kuota ku baru saja selesai membaca Ultimate Trading Systems 2.0. Saya menemukan tutorial yang bagus tentang apa yang harus dilakukan trader baru sebelum mulai berdagang. Ini menekankan bahwa seseorang harus membuat rencana tentang bagaimana dia akan mengembangkan rencana perdagangannya sebelum melakukan perdagangan. Buku ini tidak hanya menekankan kebutuhan mutlak akan rencana trading, tapi juga menunjukkan bagaimana membuatnya. Ini adalah read. quot penting Albin Dittli - Utah, Amerika Serikat quotTerima kasih telah mengirimkan saya Ultimate Trading System. Ini benar-benar membantu saya fokus pada perdagangan saya. Hal pertama yang saya lakukan setelah membaca Ultimate Trading System adalah dengan menuliskan sistem trading saya. Sesuatu yang belum pernah saya lakukan sebelumnya. Lalu saya memasang empat kartu 3X5 yang saya lihat dua kali sehari. Sejak melakukan ini, trading saya telah meningkat. Selama bulan Januari saya melakukan 20 opsi perdagangan. 16 menguntungkan dan 4 pecundang. Saya biasanya mengambil keuntungan sekitar 30 selama tahap pengujian ini. Dan tebak apa yang kalah dari perdagangan saya tidak mengikuti sistem trading saya. Saya akan mengikuti rencanaku mulai sekarang. Saya telah mencari sistem perdagangan yang sesuai untuk saya dan yang harus saya lakukan adalah menulis apa yang sesuai untuk saya dan mengikutinya. Saya tahu bahwa dengan mengikuti sistem trading saya, saya akan mendapatkan kerugian perdagangan. Its hanya bagian dari bisnis. Tapi sekarang saya punya rencana dan sistem tertulis untuk diikuti dan kerugian perdagangan saya akan kecil. Sekali lagi terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu dan usaha ke dalam Ultimate Trading System. quot quotJust ingin mengomentari buku sesuai permintaan. Saya menemukan bahan yang sangat berguna bagi pedagang baru asalkan mereka membawanya ke hati. Saya adalah seorang trader penuh waktu dan pada dasarnya telah mempelajari pelajaran dalam buku ini setelah bertahun-tahun trial and error dan ribuan kursus. Saya percaya bahwa setiap orang perlu menemukan sweet spot mereka sendiri dalam hal sistem perdagangan dan pasar mana yang mereka jual. Bagi saya ternyata menjadi pasar forex dan dengan senang hati, saya melihat bahwa buku tersebut membantu pedagang baru menemukan tempat mereka dalam lanskap perdagangan. Keep up the good workquot Ali Seyrafizadeh - Ontario Canada Excellent Melalui semua bab, subjek yang berbeda disajikan dengan cara yang sangat sederhana dan mudah dipahami. Anda telah berhasil membuatnya sederhana tapi tidak sederhana. Dengan cara ini, buku ini bisa dibaca secara menguntungkan oleh para pemula, tetapi juga oleh trader berpengalaman. Saya sangat menghargai penekanan Anda pada sifat-sifat penting yang harus dikembangkan pedagang: kehendak dan waktu untuk belajar dan bekerja dalam kesabaran, disiplin, komitmen, pendidikan, motivasi modal yang berisiko dan tujuan yang jelas dan detil Gagasan untuk menulis tujuan tersebut mengingat saya ini adalah kontrak Seorang pedagang membuat dengan dirinya sendiri, sehingga kepentingannya. Psikologi trading sangat mencerahkan. Disiplin dan kepercayaan dalam trading datang dengan belajar dan praticing sampai keterampilan yang dibutuhkan menjadi sifat kedua. Bagi saya, ini adalah bab terpenting dalam buku Anda. Semua bab lainnya memberikan pendekatan operasional tentang bagaimana trader harus merancang sistem perdagangan yang menang yang akan dia rasa nyaman, sesuai dengan tujuannya yang realistis. Dalam sudut pandang ini, perbandingan beberapa gaya dan pasar perdagangan sangat membantu. Bab tengah juga menunjukkan pentingnya memiliki rencana perdagangan dengan aspek praktis, psikologis dan evolusionernya. Kemudian ada deskripsi yang jelas dengan elemen yang harus dimiliki oleh rencana perdagangan. Entri yang sempurna, manajemen risiko yang sangat baik dan jalan keluar yang sempurna. Ini adalah suatu keharusan. Hal ini juga sangat berguna untuk mengatasi masalah delicat pilihan perangkat lunak charting, penyedia data dan broker, dengan pertanyaan yang jelas dan saran praktis. quot Eusebio Nanni - Belgia Anda telah mengumpulkan penjelasan turun ke bumi tentang informasi penting. Pengalaman trading bisa sangat bermanfaat, atau sangat melemahkan. Ketaatan yang ketat terhadap prinsip-prinsip yang dibahas dalam buku Anda akan menjadi fondasi yang kuat untuk memastikan seorang pedagang menikmati hadiahnya. John Neave - NSW, Australia Saya sangat menikmati membaca UTS2.0. Reaksi pertama saya terhadapnya adalah quot56 Pagesquot, tapi begitu saya mulai, saya menemukan bahwa itu sangat mudah dibaca dan sangat informatif. Buku ini telah menguatkan bagi saya perlunya memiliki rencana perdagangan tertulis, pengelolaan uang dan pengujian balik. Saya telah mendengar ini berulang-ulang, tapi saya tidak pernah benar-benar berkomitmen untuk melakukannya. Sebagai soal fakta, saya telah memutuskan bahwa sebelum saya melakukan perdagangan berikutnya, saya akan menyelesaikan penulisan rencana trading saya dan menaatinya selama perdagangan saya. Mereka adalah beberapa hal yang Anda sebutkan bahwa saya mendapati diri saya melakukannya. Misalnya, mengikuti semua email tersebut untuk melihat strategi baru yang mereka tawarkan, tapi seperti yang Anda sebutkan di buku ini, jika saya memiliki rencana tertulis, dan telah kembali menguji sistem saya, maka tidak perlu saya mengejar Setelah setiap email melihat apakah sistem mereka memang lebih baik. Pembuka mata untuk saya adalah fakta bahwa trading yang sukses hanya 10 dari sistem. Mungkin jika saya menyadari fakta ini beberapa waktu yang lalu, saya bisa menyelamatkan diri saya ribuan dolar. Saya pasti akan merekomendasikan buku ini kepada para pemula dan trader berpengalaman. Itu adalah pekerjaan yang bagus dengan menarik informasi ini bersama-sama. Sistem Perdagangan Forex terakhir membuat saya terpaku dari awal sampai akhir. Dengan mengambil pendekatan langkah-demi-langkah yang sistematis, cetak data kuota ini membahas semua aspek perancangan dan penerapan sistem perdagangan, dan menjelaskan dengan jelas alasan untuk setiap keputusan. Saya menemukan peta rute yang terperinci untuk merencanakan perdagangan secara menguntungkan. Pada awal ada gambaran tentang apa yang ingin dicapai pembaca, sehingga jenis perdagangan dan instrumen keuangan dapat diputuskan. Ini memaksa Anda untuk berhenti dan berpikir, bukan terjerumus ke dalam kegagalan dengan melakukan perdagangan dengan cara yang salah untuk Anda. Ini juga menjelaskan mengapa membeli sistem off-the-shelf mungkin bukan pilihan yang tepat. Bab tentang entri menempatkan topik dalam perspektif, dengan mengutip dari Van Tharp. Ini adalah pelajaran yang masih harus dipelajari banyak trader. Saya menyukai bagaimana potongan kode MetaStock menggambarkan dengan jelas bagaimana menyiapkan sistem untuk menyaring perdagangan yang berpotensi menguntungkan. UTS mencakup setiap aspek perdagangan, termasuk memilih perangkat lunak dan broker, dan menekankan pentingnya pengujian kembali untuk membuktikan sistem perdagangan. Saya sangat menyukai cara setiap bab selesai dengan tindakan yang harus diambil, untuk memastikan bahwa konten dipahami dan diterapkan. Its berguna untuk memiliki link ke informasi tambahan yang menguraikan pelajaran. Mudah dibaca tapi dikemas dengan konten, cetak biru ini adalah salah satu yang akan saya tujukan lagi dan lagi. Ini memberikan arahan yang jelas pada setiap aspek untuk menjadi trader yang sukses. quot Alan Northcott - alannorthcott Panduan komprehensif komprehensif untuk Trading yang telah saya baca. A harus membaca semua pemula untuk trading. Tidak ada yang Anda katakan adalah quotnewquot tapi Anda telah mempresentasikannya dengan jelas bahwa ada orang yang mengerti. Saya sangat menyukai penguatan sistem Anda yang terus-menerus, disiplin dan pengelolaan emosi - tantangan yang paling sulit bagi semua pedagang. Saya juga menyukai pembinaan Anda melalui kebutuhan untuk mengembangkan rencana perdagangan pribadi yang sesuai dengan kepribadian dan tujuan mereka sendiri. Publikasi besar saya akan merekomendasikan kepada semua pedagang - pemula untuk belajar dan orang tua untuk memperkuat dasar-dasar yang seringkali bisa hilang. John Venning - Australia quotTerima kasih atas kesempatan ini untuk melihat lebih dari 2.0 Saya telah meninjau metode dasar saya, jadi ini Adalah waktu yang tepat Presentasi akurat dan ringkas, memberi saya setidaknya perasaan bahwa trading yang sukses bisa dicapai. Saya suka cara link yang ditetapkan, tepat di mana Anda membutuhkannya tidak dalam beberapa daftar di akhir 56 halaman. Konten Kebutuhan akan fokus dan kedisiplinan sudah jelas. Namun Anda menyebutkan skala waktu, 3 bulan yang saya ingat. Saya tidak setuju dengan waktu untuk belajar berdagang karena bergantung pada begitu banyak faktor: pola pikir, inteligensi, waktu yang tersedia, tekanan keluarga. Segala macam barang Kesimpulan. Saya suka Davids menulis dan metodidak. Ini telah banyak membantu jalan saya untuk menjadi seorang pedagang. Saya masih punya cara untuk pergi, oleh karena itu perlu untuk melacak rencana inti. quot Chris Blomfield - Warwick, Inggris Buku ini komprehensif dan langsung to the point dengan referensi ke penulis lain. Jelas bahwa David telah melakukan banyak penelitian dan memiliki pengalaman pribadi yang dia sampaikan kepada investor lain. Bagian dari pengujian kembali mungkin sulit dipahami, namun kenyataannya benar, seseorang selalu mencari sistem dengan lebih banyak perdagangan kemenangan, namun yang ditunjukkan mungkin bukan sistem yang paling menguntungkan. Saya yakin UTS 2.0 pasti akan sangat membantu trader, terutama seseorang yang baru mengenal pasar akan menyadari bahwa dibutuhkan banyak disiplin dan kerja keras untuk meraih kesuksesan. quot Derick Brooks - Afrika Selatan quot Salah satu ebooks paling komprehensif yang pernah saya miliki. Baca baca. Ini mencakup semua bagian terpenting yang oleh para pedagang baru dan yang tidak begitu baru harus memperhatikan apakah mereka ingin sukses di dunia perdagangan. Selamat kepada David, saya pasti akan merekomendasikan produk ini kepada siapa saja yang sedang mempertimbangkan untuk memasuki karir di bidang trading. quot Geoff Lowes - Austraila quotIve menyelesaikan pembacaan pertama saya dari buku ini, saya umumnya suka memperlakukan buku seperti ini sebagai buku teks sehingga studi saya melibatkan Beberapa membaca thrus sebelum aplikasi. Saya pikir Anda telah membuat saya menyadari betapa banyak waktu yang saya sia-siakan untuk dilakukan perfrect enrty, mencoba untuk menciptakan sistem saya sendiri juga. Bukan berarti sistem saya tidak ada gunanya, tapi hanya dengan bermain diseluruh dengan beberapa sistem inmetastock dan menerapkan aturan sederhana di sistem Anda, saya telah memperbaiki hasil secara dramatis dibandingkan dengan sistem yang saat ini saya trading. Saya belum pernah menukar sistem apa pun dengan hidup karena saya ingin menyelesaikan studi saya tentang buku ini dan kemudian meluangkan waktu untuk menguji ulang dan mengonfirmasi sistem yang ingin diikuti oleh Id. Di bawah pengelolaan uang, saya pikir saya juga memiliki momen kuwait saat saya tidak pernah memiliki ukuran posisi dan menguji beberapa saran Anda juga mengungkapkan bahwa ada banyak manfaat dalam mempertimbangkannya untuk sistem saya sendiri. Id pasti merekomendasikan buku ini untuk siapa saja yang serius ingin sukses dalam trading. Masizane Marivate - Afrika Selatan Anda telah membawa saya ke sudut lain untuk melihat apa yang diperdagangkan. Terutama 20:80 aturan, dan betapa pentingnya dalam back-testing. Inilah potongan yang saya lewatkan dalam teka-teki saya. Terima kasih atas pengingat Anda dan saya yakin akan melakukannya lebih baik sesudahnya untuk trading saya. Jaga pekerjaan baik Anda, Davidquot Siew Wai Yow - Malaysia quotI terkesan dengan e-book. Penulis memilah pola pikir yang benar tentang apa yang diperlukan untuk menjadi seorang pedagang dan menawarkan saran bagus dan tepat waktu untuk menentukan tujuan Anda, membuat rencana perdagangan, peran psikologi dan disiplin bermain dan banyak lagi. Sepanjang jalan, referensi dibuat dengan perspektif yang baik untuk diambil dari orang-orang seperti Dr. Van Tharp, Warren Buffet, dan banyak lagi. Kebutuhan akan rencana perdagangan, disiplin dan pengendalian diri ditekankan. Perlunya pengetahuan diri ditujukan. Ada satu elemen umum di antara semua pedagang sukses: mereka memiliki cara sistematis untuk mendekati pasar. Pendekatan ini unik. Kenyataannya, tidak ada dua orang yang memiliki jumlah uang yang sama persis, toleransi terhadap risiko, kepribadian, waktu atau pengalaman. Oleh karena itu, kunci sukses adalah merancang sebuah sistem yang sesuai untuk Anda. quot Fakta krusial ini memang sepadan dengan harga e-book ini. Kenyataan ini butuh waktu untuk berkembang. Sekali lagi pengetahuan diri adalah kunci. Satu cant mendapatkan informasi ini dalam semalam. Praktek, kesabaran dan disiplin adalah kunci. Saran omong kosong, turun ke bumi tentang jalan yang realistis menuju kesuksesan perdagangan. Tidak ada kue di langit yang kaya raya omong kosong disini. Rencana trading yang mapan adalah kuncinya. Rencana itu mencakup entri dan pintu masuk yang teruji dan terpercaya. Tapi yang terpenting, itu termasuk kesadaran manajemen uang yang kuat sebagai kunci nyata kerajaan. Saya telah menemukan nasehat tentang pengelolaan uang dan psikologi yang sangat membantu. Entri dan pintu keluar hanya sebagian kecil dari teka-teki. Anda ingin mengembangkan profesi perdagangan berkelanjutan jangka panjang. Rencana pengelolaan uang yang bagus mencakup disiplin dan kesabaran. Ini adalah hal yang serius dan bukan perjudian. Satu-satunya cara untuk memperlakukannya seperti itu adalah dengan berpegang pada prinsip MM yang telah teruji dan tidak goyah. Karya ini merupakan pengantar dan ikhtisar yang bagus mengenai gagasan berdagang. Ini menjelaskan secara jelas dan bertanggung jawab apa yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi pedagang yang sukses dan melewatkan semua kue di hype langit. Quot Jerry Carter - Redding, CT, USA quotA buku yang ditulis dengan baik dengan semua informasi yang relevan yang saya harap saya ketahui tentang awal memasuki dunia perdagangan. Tidak terlalu teknis dan hanya pada poin yang benar, ebook ini ditulis dengan akal sehat yang menurut saya tidak akan meremehkan siapa pun atau gangguan mereka. Ini adalah buku yang seimbang untuk mendekati semua aspek materi pelajaran. Saya tidak ragu merekomendasikan ebook ini ke semua pemikiran atau memang trading, terlepas dari tingkat pengalaman mereka. David dan David terima kasih. Quot quot Ultimate Trading Systems 2 harus menjadi ahli perdagangan atau mungkin dijahit ke lengan pedagang. Yang ditulis dengan baik dalam bahasa yang mudah dimengerti. Saya akan merekomendasikan hal ini sebagai harus read. quot Ini benar-benar pukulan manual sebelumnya Anda keluar dari air. Saya terutama menyukai M amp M s. Pikiran mengatur manajemen uang, jelas, ringkas amp informatif, jika orang memperlakukan perdagangan sebagai bisnis mereka akan ada pedagang yang lebih menguntungkan. Manual ini dengan jelas membahas masalah ini. Saya akan merekomendasikan UTS 2.0 untuk semua orang. Indeks Degenkolbe - Selandia Baru Manual ini ditulis dengan baik, sangat informatif dan ringkas. Ini memberi pedagang ide bagus tentang apa yang diperlukan dan apa yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi trader profesional yang menguntungkan. Manual ini mencakup semua aspek perdagangan dan menyoroti pentingnya memiliki rencana perdagangan yang baik dan kuat. Manual mudah dibaca dan mudah dilakukan oleh semua trader dengan sangat cepat. Manual tersebut menekankan bahwa tidak ada peluru ajaib di luar sana dan tidak ada holy grail, namun kesuksesan dapat dicapai dengan mengikuti rencana perdagangan yang ketat, dengan membatasi risiko dan penarikan Anda ke tingkat yang dapat diterima rendah. Panduan ini adalah sumber yang bagus untuk trader baru dan seharusnya memberi mereka dasar-dasar perdagangan dengan sukses, tanpa mengeluarkan ribuan dolar untuk taktik trading quotsercet yang menjanjikan untuk membuat Anda kaya, namun tidak pernah melakukannya. Bagus David. Ini adalah sumber yang bagus. quot Alan Lowenstein - Australia quotAh Ha Butuh waktu lebih lama dari yang diperkirakan untuk membaca UTS2.0 yang menarik dan membuat saya terikat untuk membaca, sesuatu yang semula saya rencanakan untuk dilupakan --- saya harus jujur :) Saya suka UTS2.0, UTS1.0 bagus tapi seperti bentuknya yang bagus dan UTS2.0 lebih solid dengan banyak penjelasan tentang konsep dan mengapa mereka adalah importer Kudos David, saya akan merekomendasikannya kepada grup pedagang saya begitu Anda Lepaskan itu official. quot Henry Lin - Hong Kong quotI pikir Anda telah menghasilkan sebuah dokumen yang sangat berguna yang menguraikan isu-isu kunci yang terkait dengan kesuksesan trading. Penekanan Anda pada pentingnya memiliki pola pikir yang benar (yaitu menghilangkan emosi dari keputusan perdagangan) dan pengelolaan uang yang tepat sangat tepat. Anda membimbing pembaca melalui segala hal yang diperlukan untuk membangun bisnis perdagangan dari rencana perdagangan hingga pemilihan perangkat lunak, pengujian kembali dan pemilihan broker. Sumber dan langkah tindakan yang Anda berikan di akhir setiap bab juga sangat berguna dan memotivasi. Semua diceritakan, dokumen bagus untuk pemula dan penyegaran yang baik untuk yang lebih berpengalaman. quot Dr. Vic Smith - Australia Buku ini adalah apa yang semua trader berpengalaman inginkan pada awal karir trading mereka. Ini mencakup semua topik penting secara umum yang harus menghemat banyak waktu bagi trader baru jika mereka mengambil informasi di kapal. Sebagai pedagang dan pegolf yang tajam, saya menemukan banyak kesamaan di antara keduanya dan ini sangat membantu saya dalam perdagangan awal saya untuk mendapatkan di atas kedua perdagangan ampli. Yaitu Dalam golf amp trading Anda harus melakukan hal-hal mendasar dengan benar Genggaman golf, sikap, postur Trading Research, merencanakan, bertindak Di luar titik ini setiap pegolf dan pedagang berbeda dalam tindakan mereka untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan karena setiap individu mengembangkan ayunan golf mereka sendiri dan Sama berlaku untuk metode trading. Poin saya adalah bahwa mereka tidak memiliki holy grail yang sesuai dengan semua orang, penting untuk mengembangkan stile Anda sendiri seputar kepribadian dan kemampuan Anda, oleh karena itu saya merasa semua buku harus sesuai dengan kenyataan ini di awal konten mereka, sehingga klien tahu bahwa mereka membutuhkan Untuk mengakses dan mengenal diri mereka sendiri di awal perjalanan mereka, ini akan memulainya dari arah yang benar dan menyederhanakan keseluruhan proses pemahaman apa yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi sukses. quot quotHi David, Pada masa mega informasi yang berlebihan ini, ini menyegarkan Dan cukup menyenangkan untuk membaca gambaran singkat yang ringkas, ringkas dan sangat mudah dibaca tentang bagaimana menukar pasar dan menghasilkan uang. Hal ini relatif mudah bagi siapa saja (termasuk diri sendiri) untuk mengetahui banyak tentang sebagian kecil cerita tanpa gambaran umum yang ditawarkan oleh buku Anda. Jadi, dilakukan dengan baik dan semua kekuatan untuk Anda. Selamat dan salam. quot John Corcoran - Australia quotFirst dari semua yang saya suka dengan buku Anda dan ingin mengucapkan terima kasih telah membagikannya. Saya setuju dengan apa yang Anda katakan. Sebenarnya, saya telah mengatakan hal yang sama kepada teman saya yang kurang expereinced. Saya belajar sejak lama pelajaran serupa dari buku-buku Dr. Elders tentang perdagangan. Saya menggunakan istilah quot3 Mquot system: Mind, Methodology and Money Management. Saya percaya ketiganya sama pentingnya, seperti tiga kaki bangku. Kotoran akan jatuh jika salah satu dari 3 M hilang. Menurut saya, Anda belajar beberapa hal dari membaca ebook Anda seperti menetapkan jalan keluar di LL (x) dan memformalkan tiga bagian dari rencana trading. Menurut saya, ebook ini lebih bermanfaat bagi trader berpengalaman (baik atau buruk), tapi kurang begitu dengan yang baru. Pengembangan sistem perdagangan terlalu singkat. Saya berharap akan ada lebih banyak diskusi teknis tentang sistem ini. Penggunaan indikator yang bermanfaat dan sederhana tidak disebutkan. Sistem perdagangan untuk jangka pendek vs jangka panjang perlu dijelaskan sedikit lebih banyak. Kuota ku ingin memuji Anda tentang gaya penulisan yang mudah dibaca yang telah Anda adopsi di seluruh buku ini. Dalam pencarian saya untuk apa yang Anda gambarkan sebagai quotHoly Grailquot, saya telah membaca banyak materi selama beberapa tahun terakhir dan saya menganggap usaha Anda ringkas dan sangat penting. Saya membaca yang sangat informatif. Hal ini juga membuat saya menyadari bahwa tidak ada waktu membuang-buang waktu untuk setiap metode baru yang ada. Saya dengan rajin membaca e-mail Anda dan berharap bisa menerima lebih banyak lagi, terutama yang berkaitan dengan buku terbaru ini. Itu adalah bacaan yang sangat bagus, mudah dimengerti dengan banyak tip berguna. Banyak terima kasih telah mengizinkan saya untuk membaca buku Anda dan mudah-mudahan ini akan memulai saya di jalan menuju perdagangan yang benar. quot quotI sangat bersemangat dengan e-book ini dan saya merasa jika saya memiliki ini ketika pertama kali memulai trading, itu akan menghemat banyak Waktu, usaha dan uang mencoba untuk mencari tahu semuanya. Yang paling saya sukai adalah sudut praktis yang Anda ambil dalam membimbing pembaca Anda selangkah demi selangkah dan merekomendasikan bahan untuk dibaca dan dipelajari. Meskipun saya tidak secara khusus mulai menggunakannya, itu sudah menjadi bagian dari pendekatan saya tapi saya menggunakannya untuk mempertajam rencanaku dan mengevaluasi kembali prosesku. Ini akan memakan waktu lama. Herman du Toit - Afrika Selatan quotI telah membaca UTS 2.0 amp, ini hanya menjelaskan dengan baik pedoman untuk merumuskan rencana perdagangan yang sedang saya lakukan. Terima kasih telah menawarkannya kepada saya, ini sangat membantu. quot quotI berharap saya memiliki dokumen ini saat memulai trading. Yah, saya mungkin akan melalui keseluruhan proses yang saya lakukan untuk menjadi apa yang saya lakukan dalam hal apapun, saya tidak akan mempercayai dokumen Anda dalam hal apapun. Hari ini setelah 8 tahun saya percaya dokumen Anda karena saya tahu apa yang saya tahu. Manajemen moneyrisk dan analisis sistem yang benar sangat penting dan tidak dapat ditekankan cukup. Terima kasih banyak. Henri Coetzer - Afrika Selatan. QuotBrilliant Saya bekerja melalui itu lagi karena saya telah membuat banyak kesalahan yang Anda peringatkan. Ini adalah cara terbaik untuk memulai trading. Bagian yang paling berharga bagi saya adalah lagi menyadari betapa pentingnya psikologi trading ini. Saya menyusuri jalan indikator dan teknik dan terlibat begitu saja dengan bagian itu sehingga saya menjadi perdagangan yang semakin tidak efektif. Bukan berarti saya kehilangan banyak tapi saya kehilangan banyak perdagangan karena saya tidak mengikuti rencana trading saya. Selalu menebaknya berdua. Kesalahan besar kedua adalah berdagang dengan perhentian mental dan bukan stop loss yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Terima kasih atas sumber daya yang bagus. Saya mulai belajar Forex ketika saya menemukan UTS 1. Sudah menjadi sumber informasi dan referensi untuk saya sejak saat itu. UTS 2 telah mengambil satu langkah manual yang sangat baik. Sekarang lebih ringkas dan terstruktur lebih baik dari yang pertama. Saya pribadi menyukai tugas yang Anda berikan pada pembaca di akhir setiap bab. Anda pasti salah satu sumber informasi yang paling membantu saya menjadi seorang Trader. quot quotAn cetak biru yang sangat baik bagi mereka yang baru mengenal permainan, atau untuk yang lebih berpengalaman lagi untuk meraih kesuksesan. Anda adalah salah satu dari sekumpulan kecil penyedia yang menguraikan suatu pendekatan yang jika diikuti memiliki tingkat keamanan yang tinggi. Saya suka fokus pada manajemen pikiran dan uang. quot Seperti biasa, sebuah karya besar Vary menarik, diedit dengan baik sebagian besar sangat mudah dimengerti dan yang terpenting, kedengarannya sangat bisa diandalkan. Berbeda dengan banyak hal yang ditawarkan melalui internet, sistem Anda, bagi saya, terdengar paling andal dan dapat diandalkan. Seperti yang telah saya katakan sebelumnya, saya mengagumi Anda atas keahlian kharisma dan inisiatif Anda. Anda selalu mengemudikan diri satu langkah lebih jauh dan membantu orang lain dalam perjalanan. quot ldquoWow Saya telah membaca banyak buku perdagangan dan sejujurnya ini adalah buku pertama yang benar-benar membawa saya ke tingkat pedagang profesional. Petunjuk langkah demi langkahnya sangat fantastis dan saya benar-benar yakin bahwa siapa pun, apakah mereka telah lama berkecimpung dalam bisnis atau pendatang baru ini, akan meningkatkan diri mereka ke tingkat profesional jika mereka mengikuti instruksi Anda yang jelas dan ringkas. Im sendiri adalah bukti hidup. Saya hanya tidak bisa percaya diri bahwa saya benar-benar berdagang seperti seorang profesional setelah mengikuti petunjuk spesifik Anda tentang bagaimana menjadi pedagang sukses. Kepuasan trading saya, belum lagi profitabilitas saya, meningkat secara signifikan. Saya tidak akan menukar buku ini dengan buku-buku lain di dunia ini. A real classic. rdquo Khairi A Wahab - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia quotWhenever I receive information from David, I have come to trust it as concise, current and excellent practical information which I can use immediately. David has once again produced an excellent condensed guide in quotUltimate Trading Systemsquot containing many valuable insights and pointers to becoming a successful trader. From my personal experience and application of much of what is contained in quotUltimate Trading Systemsquot, I can only but recommend David and his services and Ultimate Trading Systems - Highlyrdquo Mike Murray ndash Business Consultant amp Trader Johannesburg, South Africa quotDear David, Thank you for the Ultimate Trading Systems. I have followed and committed your to your Step-by-Step Instructions. It taught me true money management and more importantly it taught me how to use stop loss orders to minimize losses. True enough, it can indeed be called the Holy Grail of trading. Wish I have it years back Keep up the good workrdquo Jason Tan - Penang, Malaysia This is the strategy I was waiting for. I have already started to implement your suggestions and I can see it working. Thank you very much again. rdquo Frank - Perth, Australia quotThe Ultimate Trading System by David is truly the most comprehensive and practical course available in the market, covering all the key winning aspects to the development of a sound and robust trading system. The entire package is simply awesome How I wish I had this course when I first started in the world of trading. Thanks for sharing so much vital information in your indispensable and highly recommended course. Thanks again, Davidquot Terence Tan KB - Singapore Irsquove finished reading Ultimate Trading System and Irsquom impressed by it. It is a must-have manual for anyone who wants to become a successful trader, but does not know the way. Each lesson is an easy read and comes with specific action steps that, when followed faithfully, will lead a complete novice to the path of becoming a professional trader. This manual debunks many myths held by so many unsuccessful traders and leads you to various resources yoursquoll need to trade successfully. I will definitely recommend this manual to anyone who is new or have been running in circles trying to profit from their trading activities. rdquo After reading your Ultimate Trading Systems ebook, I found that it tells the truth in trading. Simply the best book I ever read about trading the market Thanks Darren Tan - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia This is the strategy I was waiting for. I have already started to implement your suggestions and I can see it working. Thank you very much again.8221 Frank - Perth, Australia quotExcellent All successful traders say you need to develop your own trading system based on your own personality. but there are very few books on the market that show you how to actually do this. Finally here is an easy to follow, step-by-step process that will allow anyone to develop their own successful system. quot quotThe methodology in the quotUltimate Trading Systemsquot book is excellent and well presented. You direct readers to other experts for specifics, an approach which saves the novice traders huge amounts of time and keeps them on the safe and proper track. New traders especially will benefit from this. quot quotAs a new share trader the Ultimate Trading Systems will assist me in my future trading. At this stage of my growth it provides many details which fill my knowledge gaps. quot Robert - Canberra, Australia quotI found it very informative and easy to read. Even though I have my own trading plan which Ive used with success Im always looking for ways to improve it. At this stage Im generally pretty happy with my plan but Ill no doubt incorporate aspects of your plan into mine after Ive re-read it a few times. quot Absolutely wonderful - NO I mean. Your manual ROCKS Youve simply put together a jamb-packed, informative, step-by-step approach to trading. o) Youve done it so well in fact, that its like you made what was once a narrow and crooked path of learning into a quot6 - Lane Express Highwayquot leading to a canyon filled with GOLD Youve simply got the ability to guide your readers through an amazingly clear and uncluttered learning curve of what it takes to grasp the fundamentals of trading successfully Youve by-passed all the so-called experts, cut out the misinformation, taken out the clutter and used your own quotin the trenchesquot experience to develop an amazing 11-step plan to become a successful trader. To some people, this may seem so few steps. but youve presented it in such a way that there is no other alternative to learn unless people want to do it the hard way Instead - Im all for your awesome tool to successful trading Thanks so much David I hope you continue to use your remarkable ability of training individuals to trade in an entirely successful wayquot J Eric V. Van Der Hope - Professional Trader amp Author foundationofsuccess24-Hour Trading React to market-moving news and events day or night, even when stocks are closed. Electronic Market Get fast, accurate, electronic executions in some of the worlds most liquid markets. Low Margins Futures offer greater leverage and a more efficient use of trading capital than stocks. Trade Long or Short Take advantage of rising or falling markets going short is as easy as going long. New Markets Futures are a pure play on metals, energies, currencies, grains, interest rates, and more. 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WordPress user NOW you can do it using WP x2705 The ultimate Content Management System and the unmatchable Business-Building System are finally together. If you use WordPress and already know all about SBI. click here for SBI for WordPress. Keep reading to fully understand SBIs proven business-building prowess. Just starting a web business x1F3A5 Take the Video Tour. From Idea To Business Youll See How SBI Makes The Difference. Do more than learn how. Do more than merely putting up yet another site or blog that sits there. The right process, the right tools that remove all the barriers and mysteries, correctly applied at the right time. That is how you grow an online business with increasing long-term profits. That is how SBI works. To see it in action, take the 30 minute video tour. It explains everything. You will understand how and why SBI delivers what it promises. your best chance at e-business success. Fully guaranteed for 90 days. Start today risk free. For 20 years, SBI has proven to be the most effective web business building system available. Unique guidance and support, superior methodology, always up to date. Dont just build a beautiful site. Grow a thriving business. Questions Call us toll free - 1-888-987-3669. Or click here to email. Solo Build It is all of that and more to these people. Each SBI owner below has achieved life-changing goals. Click on anyone to understand how she did it, and how SBI enables you to do the same, even if the idea of growing an online business is totally new to you. Elad B Fiona Crystal Ashley Patty Steve Elads Story: Elad quit the soul-destroying cubicle to lead a life of self-fulfilled liberation. Now receiving over 2 million visitors per month, Elad has the time and money to travel the world, play professional soccer, and grow the family when he and his sister are not growing the business. Bs Story: B turned her crazy idea about a site covering the Australian Outback into an e-business that has allowed her to become happily self-employed. She writes about what she loves, and is free to roam the world with her laptop. In Bs words. Freedom is something that cant be paid for. Fionas Story: How do two Scots, Fiona and Jim, end up in warm, sun-kissed Tuscany, hobnobbing with Hollywood producers and visiting Salvatore Ferragamo SBI. Thats how. As this husband and wife team like to say. Dreams do come true, if you dare them to. And if you work to turn them into reality. Crystals Story: Crystal, a non-techie, turns her passion for cooking into a successful online business. It all started with some e-mails to friends about easy dinner ideas. Now this work-at-home mom with four teenage kids all in sports, loves how she can work whenever and wherever she wants. Richards Story: An offline entrepreneur, Richard is using his SBI site to drive sales out of this world. Richards product development went from the city dump in Ottawa, Canada to a licensing deal that will distribute his unique, patented fence post stabilizer for wooden decks throughout stores in the United States. His theme-based content site allowed him, as Richard says, to seed the market, prove the concept and create incredible buzz among the public who now go into stores demanding the product. Ashleys Story: Ashleys passion for vintage comic books has made him the superhero for people trying to assess the value of their collection, or trying to sell it at a fair price. Only four years into his business, he turns over hundreds of thousands of dollars buying and reselling comic books, earns a sizable commission from eBays partner network, and has just signed the contract for his first office space Pattys Story: Patty knew nothing about the online world except how to check emails and do Google searches when she started her website. Four years later, she had a growing coaching business and multiple secondary income streams, including her own e-books filled with various vegan cooking tips and techniques, and a weight-loss e-course. 2 years further on, her husband Jeff joined her in running their service business, which is now their main source of income. The best part It allows them to travel together while making money. Steves Story: Steve and his friend had nothing to lose. They had both been laid off after the stock market crash. They had no capital, except their own time and sweat equity. So they rolled up their sleeves and started building their two SBI businesses for cell tower landlords. In 2010 -- just two years later -- they were featured in the New York Times. A little later, as Steve puts it: things just went gangbusters. Now they are on track to achieve their first 7-figure yearly income. What common thread connects these solopreneurs (aside from their success) They came to SBI with 3 simple qualities that we call BAM . B rain: knows a lot about a niche (NO need to be brainy) A ttitude: positive, optimistic M otivation: high level of determination. NONE expected it to be EASY. SBIers Covered by Major Media The Its Easy Myth SBI empowers you to build profitable online businesses, with a uniquely high percentage of success. Our track record is a quantum leap better than whoever is 2nd best. We have 20 years of experience with solopreneurs, longer than any other company. Weve seen quick and easy techniques come and go. They always do GO, to be replaced by new, false promises. Recently, though, some of the largest hosting sitebuilding companies are advertising how easy it is. Sadly, easy wont cut it. Trust us when we say, Its NOT easy. It takes work to achieve business success. We can (and do) simplify it. yes. We make it DO-able. yes . How We break it all down into best-practice, always up-to-date, optimally-ordered steps. You follow those steps. It works. But can SBI make biz-building easy NO ONE can - if it were easy, wed all be rich. x1F4B0 Auto-Updating x1F449 100 FOCUS, 0 FOMO Our flagship product, Solo Build It . provides the exact, step-by-step always up-to-date process that enables you to succeed, as well as the tools you need . and guidance when you need it. Proses. called C T P M , has evolved over a span of 15 years. It has integrated EVERY new Internet development (ex. RSS, Web 2.0user-generated content, social media, mobile, etc). SBI has a long list of firsts, from concepts like PREselling and content marketing to Content 2.0 (the first product online to enable visitors to contribute like a mini-Facebook, except better). C2 pushed online businesses to heights never before possible. Another example is the complete re-development of a new sitebuilder, BlockBuilder 2 - a multi-year, multi-million dollar development so SBIers could better capitalize upon new trends and site-building needs that were (and are) coming. One last example, because AUTO-updating is an important advantage of SBI. When mobile started growing rapidly, theories flew about the best way to do a mobile version of ones website. Many wasted considerable time on complicated mobile solutions - even entirely separate versions of the same site. We researched and watched, resisting the hype and urgency. When Google announced that RESPONSIVE DESIGN was the optimalpreferred way to do mobile, debate ended. We took that direction (see right) , saving each SBIer weeks of wasted time. Updating is a critical part of keeping SBIers ahead of the competition. HOW we do it varies. Sometimes we lead. Sometimes we wait. Either way, we save SBIers time. They dont waste their time on. reading and keeping up on new trends and technologies wasting time by taking the wrong action (ex. building a mobile version prematurely). getting conned into incredibly convincing Get Rich Quick schemes. We could go on and on, but suffice it to say that, like any complex organism in a changing environment, the wonderfully flexible C T P M has proven to be an adaptable approach that gets stronger with each major evolutionary change. On top of that, we track hundreds of blogs, newsletters and social media so that you dont have to try to figure it all out. You get only the best info, tucked into the system for the moment you need it, keeping you distraction-free, focused 100 on BUSINESS. The Result Maximum Business Progress. We save you every second possible. TIME is every solopreneurs most precious asset, your biggest constraint. Solo Build It enables you to pour it all into what matters most (your business). Not into reading to keep up. Not following bad advice. Not wasting money on bad products. The evergreen, yet ever-evolvingupdating, combination of process tools keeps SBI solopreneurs (SBIers) ahead of the pack . moving you ahead as time-and-dollar-efficiently as possible. In a fast-moving Internet where you cant afford to miss something or make a wrong choice (FOMO), eliminating that anxiety is huge. Putting 100 of your time into growing your business, confident that we have your back, is one of the most important things that we do for SBIers . The solopreneur rate of success is dismally low. SBIs objectively proven track record speaks for itself. Focus Your Time on Your Business Finally, SBI Brings Business-Building Success to WordPress Wrapping It Up. How Do You Know If SBI Is Right For YOU . We all love Its Easy stories. We want to believe that easy success is possible. Thats why lotteries are so successful - you, too, can Get Rich Quick. Large companies now pitch slick ads to the mass market that making money online is easy. They grow huge by selling dreams - there are millions of Wix sites . Most people are quick to jump on whats easy. No need to make the sacrifices that hard work requires - especially when hashtags tell them ItsThatEasy. On the other hand, there are only thousands of SBIers. The re-discovery that business - building requires work quickly weeds out 99. Heck, most visitors to this web page arent even with us by now, still reading along. If you got this far, you may be perfect for SBI. x1F44D x1F44D The immutable laws of business state that it can never be that easy to build a profitable business. It may be for football legends such as Brett Favre (see video). It doesnt work out that way for the rest of us. (And Favres site doesnt exist - just sayin) Even if large companies claim that building profitable online businesses IsThatEasy, its not. If it was, wed all be as wealthy as Brett Favre So if you believe that building a profitable online business, one with real equity in it, can be easy, please stop reading now. That is not what we offer. Just to be clear. SBI helps you build profitable Web businesses . NOT just web sites or blogs (which are just one piece of the bigger online business jigsaw puzzle). Yes, any primate can put up a website nowadays. But a websites not a business. It just sits there. It does NOT generate income or equity. It takes one heck of a lot more to build a profitable online business. A teeny fraction of solopreneur-built SITES become successful BUSINESSES . This results page and various studies show that SBI businesses succeed 100 times more often than average, and at higher income levels. Yes, really. 100. Putting It Bluntly. Its NOT that easy, not if it refers to building an online BUSINESS that brings you life-changing goals. Even though we have condensed and simplified SBI into an all-in-one product, building a business takes work. If you are serious about building an online business, youve come to the right place. There is no proven - better way to do it. But if you just want to build a site or blog . you dont need SBI for that. Anyone can do that, using any product. 100 will finish with a site, no matter where you go (does not matter - Wix, Yola, WordPress, GoDaddy, etc.). But a site is no more an online business than an empty office or storefront is an offline one. Theres a heck of a lot more work to be done. The large companies dont include the information, process, tools, community that you need to convert a site into a profitable business . Not to mention that building a site first is out-of-order. The proper steps in the right order will either . save your business idea, preventing outright failure, or. at a minimum, make a substantial difference to your profitability. Some companies throw in some tools and articles with their hosting and sitebuilding. Its not the all-in-one, committed-to-your-success, up-to-date business-building system that you need to grow a profitable web-based business . Online business has an obvious goal. Only SBI provides detailed proof of delivering on that goal. Isnt that what its all about If you have not already watched the x1F3A5 SBI Video Tour . please click here. It explains everything about how SBI builds businesses. What Is Special About SBIers SBIers are The Anti - GetRichQuick. They know that building a real business that lasts is not about getting a site or blog up, cheap-quick-amp-easy. Nor is it about chasing short-term dollars with the hot trend of the day. SBIers are a rather elite group, both in terms of having what it takes and in the results they get. They are also flat-out nice people. This web page and site are longgggggg. Heck, its almost a test If you are still here with us, youll do great with SBI because you already have the anchor leg of BAM . Whats BAM Its an acronym for the 3 personal traits that are needed to drive any business to meet your life goals. Some would-be solopreneurs dont think they know any particular niche well enough to build a business around it. SBI even has has a tool for that It helps find and develop niches that are perfect for you. Is Building an Online Business Right For You Its not for everyone. There are both upsides and downsides, pain for gain. It sounds great, but are you willing to make the sacrifices that are needed to find the time See how to start an online business. Its a balanced, realistic, no-hype look at what life as a solopreneur is like. We only want you to become an SBI member if its right for you. Otherwise, you wont last - whats the point in that B rain: you know a lot about a niche (no need to be brainy). A ttitude: positive, optimistic, you know that ups follow downs and vice-versa M otivation: high level of determination, able to focus and get it done. BAM by itself is not enough - most folks need SBI to release all their raw potential. Nor is SBI sufficient - if you dont have the motivation to get this far, for example, youre less likely to succeed with SBI. The combination, BAM SBI , is what deservingly sets SBIers apart. SBIers focus upon building genuine businesses . ones that deliver evergrowing profits and freedom for the rest of their lives. Who are they . Some are total newbies. Others are experienced Net marketers (but who have yet to succeed -- web-savviness contributes little to success). Some are starting a brand new e-business. Others are trying to fix an existing one . Some are local business owners. Others go global, selling ads, services, e-books and even their own products around the world. Whatever the nature of their business and level of Net-savviness, they succeed. They do it without spending thousands of dollars on add-on tools, must-have subscriptions, designers, Webmasters and Search Engine experts. They own their sites, their businesses, and their lives. What else is different about SBI owners SBI owners apply BAM to Work Smarter and Harder to achieve business success leading to meaningful personal freedom. While similar in that regard, they are diverse in so many ways. geographically - from all over the globe business type - every kind of business is represented (home businesses of all kinds, offline services, infopreneurs, e-tail, etc . niche selection - a cornucopia of niches is dominated by SBI owners. This wide array of countries, businesses and niches come together at the worlds most constructive small business meeting place, the private SBI Forums. More on The Place for Friendly, Success-Focused Discussion below. We live in an age of I want it all now. Most folks prefer to believe maybe it really is that easy. SBIers know what it takes. Our small SBI community is a special one. realistic, ready, motivated and focused on winning. If you have the discipline of impulse gratification and the determination to truly build a profitable online business. Go into business with eyes wide open 128515. Personal Message From Ken Evoy, Founder Of SiteSell Despite having the best (the only) BUSINESS-building product of its kind for solopreneurs, you and I have a problem. And its the same problem. Here it is. Even though nothing comes close to SBIs rate and level of success and even though it costs less than 1 per day, the chances are that you will end up somewhere else. There is even an amazing thread in the SBI Forums called The Long and Winding Road. SBIers explain how it has sometimes taken YEARs to finally try SBI. Heres a typical SBIer post. I, too, tried almost everything else first I have been pulled into. whatever the hot, trendy program is at the time (the one highly recommended by gurus all at once), the so-expensive-it-must-be-great, the so-cheap-theres-nothing-to-lose and even an irresistible GRQ (really, it sounded fantastic x1F622) sitebuilders. The income never did come rolling in once my site was up. WordPress, GoDaddy, Yola, 11, Wix, you name it Same story. Somehow, I bought into all of them. I cant explain it. All I got was confused. Then I happened across SBI again. This time I understood why a site is not a business. Once I started SBI. it only took me a few days to realize that this was IT You can feel the difference. Its solid. It makes sense. I know what Im doing and why. So why did it take me so long to realize that SiteSell meant every word on its site Why didnt I save 2 and-a-half years and just try it, like they say No idea. But Im here nowx1F4AA It used to drive us nuts. Its bad for you . At best, you lose a lot of time. At worst, you may give up on the whole idea of building an online business. And its bad for us for the same reasons. If you have BAM, wed love to see you thrive. Some do find us and buy into our message right away. They get it, try it and most love it. It its not right for someone, we refund promptly. Mostly, though, the duration to purchase is still a wildly long and winding road. I explain here in the hope that you. Proud to be Boring Our promise is that if you focus and work on SBI. your chance of ( and your level of) success are way above anything else . Boring - but true. Meanwhile, there are 3 types of noise that will mislead you onto that long and winding road. 1) Many are fooled by Get Rich Quick. The sales copy is fiendishly brilliant, convincing you that this is different. Its not. You end up disillusioned that its all a scam. 2) A recent variation features nationally advertised products that promise its easy (ex. Wix) . The money does not come rolling in. This is more serious than the GRQ operators because major companies have never made this type of promise. You are, therefore, more likely to give up on the whole thing before even trying SBI. New for WordPress users We started SBI for WordPress for this reason. WP is excellent, versatile sitebuilderblogging software. You can now use SBI with WordPress to generate the same high success rates that SBI owners achieve. Try it for free today . 3) Many get temporarily sidetracked by urban myths about SBI. Others are misled by malicious Site Build It scam and fake negative-reviews campaigns that are orchestrated by the unscrupulous with their own agendas. Our 20 year history of success breeds, by its very longevity, ideas about SBI that are incorrect. No maliciousness intended, theyre wrong or 10 years out-of-date. See Urban Myths . On the other hand, unscrupulous affiliates have switched allegiance due to higher payouts from Web hosts. Great SBI reviews turned mediocre for the dollar, not for your best interest (). And sadly, some folks are downright malicious. We are protective of the quality and atmosphere in the Forums. So we fire those folks who insist on trolling (causing fights), despite our polite requests followed by warnings. Unfortunately, once fired, these are also the type who must get in the last (nasty) word. The malicious have banded together to spread lies and disinformation online. Debate brings a swarm of flames, so we issued an official reply page . We invite them to reply there. They have chosen not to. How To Figure It Out Fast Heres how to straighten out the long and winding road. Cut To The Chase Take a simple, fool-proof, logical shortcut. If youre ready to make it happen, cut out all the noise and look at 2 facts. No other company provides proof of success of unmatched rates and levels of success. Ask yourself why you have never seen such verifiable, documented proof elsewhere. It can only be because no other company can honestly do so. The 90 Day Money-Back Confidence of Success Guarantee. Take advantage of it to turn your purchase into a 90-day free trial . Building income and equity is the bottom line that no one else proves. The results of the free trial are your opinion. And that is the only evaluation that matters Whats the worst that can happen You will learn a lot, for free. So ignore the noise. Just get started. x1F680 Dig Deeper No other company takes as much time to document its product. Digging into our site will also save you time (compared to making the wrong choice) if thats your preferred route. Understand how the 1) powerful process. the 2) uniquely complete set of tools. the 3) worlds best set of forums and our 4) constant keeping-up-to-date (so you dont have to), all mesh-as-one to deliver success that nothing else, no product or company, even approaches. Dont miss key pages such as this explanation of Content 2.0 which leapfrogs SBI beyond blogging. Take 30 minutes to watch this video tour that shows you exactly what SBI does, and how and why it works. Continue reading the rest of this page (below). Consume even more information on SBI here and then explore the parts of the SiteSell Sitemap that are relevant to you. It is a lot of research. But everything you need is on this site. Your future business is worth the patient investment of time. But I recommend taking the risk-free trial now. It gets you started while you continue to decide (hands-on research). One last thing. If you have any questions, ask a SiteSell Advisor . Wishing you the success you deserve on your journey . Ken Evoy Founder, SiteSell The Bottom Line You Really Got This Far What Is the Significance of Top 1 SBI sites work . They succeed at a high level. Top 1 of all sites on the Internet Most importantly, they become profitable businesses . UPDATE 2016: As time passes, SBI sites have improved from Top 3 to Top 1 to Top 0.5 of the most highly trafficked sites. However, a new and ongoing study took a different approach than our earlier one. We recently did a complex study searching for high-traffic solopreneurs. SBI excelled, contributing at a rate that was 100 times greater than average. Sad conclusion . Given that solopreneurs make up the majority of the 170 million active sites, the odds of attaining true success are remote. The make moneyhow to and sitebuilderhosting industries surely makes more money than the tens of millions of solopreneurs who are trying. Since traffic is the root of all income (try monetizing without it), it is on more reason why we can say that SBI builds profitable businesses at rates and levels of success that far exceed anything else. Happy conclusion . SBI makes online success DO-able Everything You Need to Succeed. Nothing Less Will Do It takes quite an ensemble to make a product that can deliver on the incredible challenge of enabling solopreneurs to build profitable online businesses. Only SBI provides. a natural, powerful process all the tools necessary to execute the process comprehensive business-building support and help. 24x7, friendly and fast SiteSell Tech Support the unmatchable SBI Forums - where thousands of like-minded and positive people gather to help and be helped, the worlds most constructive small business meeting place constant updating of. the process (ex. how to use visual blockades to monetize your social accounts, staying on top of high rankings at Google, how to use personal-social to grow your business) whats new (we track hundreds of Net marketingsmall e-biz feeds and newsletters and boil all that noise down to the occasional key nugget you need). Nothing stays the same online. SBIs unique C T P M process evolves with the Web, keeping you ahead of the crowd. frequent automatic upgrading of SBIs process and the SBI tools (no need to do your own upgrades, plug-ins, etc.). ex. Socialize It - SBI evolves to progressively socialize your business in a way that makes the best use of your limited time. Right steps, at the right time. ex. Priority Build It lets you tell Google which pages are more important, speaking of which. Click here for more information on Brainstorm It v3, free with SBI. ex. Brainstorm It V3 is the worlds first smart brainstorming, niche-picking and keyword-researching tool (see right). More innovation is coming. Automated smart tasks can uncover may more opportunities that manual digging into mountains of data BI is about to become your ongoing partner, notifying you (via your choice of email, text, browser) of content opportunities, monetization suggestions, etc. The most amazing part is that you dont do a thing. Upgrades, updates, improvements. they all come to you automatically. It all works together - nothing breaks with an upgrade. And its all for free. Only SBI delivers Process, Tools, Updating and Total HelpSupport. How do you know it works Investigate the verifiable, documented, and objective proof of success . No other service or software proves success. Does Business on the Web Seem Like One Big, Un beatable Mystery Many SBIers started with the same feeling, with zero-knowledge. SBI breaks it down, step-by-step. SBI is perfect for. those without any e-business or Net-marketing experience. the savvy-but-yet-to-succeed. SBI corrects bad habits and refocuses on build a business, keeping you on the straight and narrow to serious, long-term goals. Click here. The SBI Video Tour explains everything . Forks In The Head Many savvy-but-yet-to-succeed marketers have learned much over several years. But nearly everyone takes at least 1 of the 4 most common wrong forks in the road, costing time and money (and headaches). If you are new to online business-building, this section can save you a fork (or 2) in the head. If youre a veteran, reading this may help you dislodge them. SBI vs. Everything Else Take a Moment And Experience Regular Hosting Visualize yourself in an impersonal place where you get cheap hosting (100 per year), a domain (10 per year) and software (a sitebuilder or WordPress) to build a site or blog. You dont know it yet, but you wont get many visitors because. Major schools like the University of Arizona offer SBI. Why no one guides you through the proper process no one helps you avoid the land mines, and you lack the right tools to actually build a business. handle all kinds of technical aspects find and pay for your own business-building software tools (which ones, where, how) figure out all the conflicting advice from all the gurus avoid the siren call of the sales pitches from so many gurus for an endless number of tools, some good-but-expensive, most poor, and some actually harmful keep up with all the fast-changing developments in the e-business world. And thats not the half of it. It can be paralyzing. Now Take A Moment and Experience SBI SBI activates and motivates. No paralysis here. SBI does it all for you so you focus on what moves you ahead . building your business. You are not a number. We care about your success. Your success is our business. We pave the road for you, removing all the obstacles. Follow a natural, powerful process. Use the tools (they are all included) to execute the process. No need to keep up - SBI does it for you Get 24 x 7 help and business-building support, simply the best. Focus on building your e-business. Period. Heres The Whole Story. Stack the odds in your favor Build a business with both substantial income and genuine equity (real value ifwhen you sell your business). SBI is so much more than a Web site or blog. Build more than a site. Heck, build more than a business Build your personal and familys freedom and independence. We know its hard to believe - so many companies OVER-promise. So Just Try It totally risk-free . Youll see that SBI truly OVER-delivers. We guarantee it Click Here To Order and Start Today, Risk-Free. SiteSell Intellectual Rights All SiteSell websites (text, swoosh, graphics, programming and scripting) and products are copyright 1999-2017 SiteSell Inc. SiteSell, SBI for WP, Brainstorm It. Make Your Site Sell. MYSS. Make Your Knowledge Sell MYKS. Make Your Price Sell. MYPS. Make Your Words Sell. MYWS. Site Build It. Solo Build It. SBI. SBI 2.0, SBI 3.0, BlockBuilder 2, BB2, Make Your Net Auction Sell. MYNAS. Make Your Content PREsell. MYCPS. Make Your Links Work. MYLW. 5 Pillar Affiliate Program, SiteSell Affiliate Program, SiteSell Professionals, SiteSell Services, SBI Coaching, and SiteSell Education are trademarks or trade names of SiteSell Inc. All rights reserved. SiteSell Privacy Statement We do not share your private personal information (ex. name, email address, street address, and phone number) with any other organizations or individuals. We keep all such information you provide to us, no matter how or why you provide it (ex. becoming an affiliate, ordering our products, etc.) completely confidential, and use it only for the purpose that you intended. Only those employees with relevant business duties (ex. support staff) may access your private personal information, and only to perform their duties. They are subject to dismissal for any privacy violation. We never provide any such information about our subscribers, customers or affiliates to any third party, except in the unusual event should we be required to do so by law. We use third parties like web analytics and advertising companies (e. g. Google Analytics, AdRoll) to measure conversions and collect demographic and interest information. As you browse SiteSell, these third parties may place or recognize cookies on your browser (including through the use of pixel tags and web beacons) to track how you use our website and to provide you advertising based upon your browsing activities and interests. We do not tie the cookie to any personal information that you provide us. Your visit to SiteSell is entirely private and anonymous. If you wish to not have this information used for the purpose of serving you interest-based ads, you may opt out by going to aboutads. infochoices . In addition, you can enable the so-called quotDo Not Trackquot functionality in your browser, which is a standardized way to opt out of tracking by participating analytics services, advertising networks and social platforms. To learn how to enable quotDo Not Trackquot in your browser, please go to donottrack. us . Finally, if you do not wish your data to be collected via Google Analytics, you may use their opt-out tool . The 90 Day Confidence of Success Guarantee: Try SBI First, Make Your Final Decision Later No product is perfect for everyone. I only want you to own SBI if it is right for you. You likely feel the same. If youre like me, you tend to delay important decisions because you are not 100 sure. Have you noticed how you only truly become 100 sure after you purchase and use a product At SiteSell, we not only recognize this, we encourage it . We want you to take full advantage of the 90 Day Guarantee Use it as your free Confidence of Success trial. Purchase SBI and make a final decision after putting it to the test. If you decide its not for you, simply tell us. We Will Refund You IMMEDIATELY No strings. Better, actually. You can keep the domain name that you register at our expense. Its our thank you for permitting us to introduce SBI to you. No time limits on the annual subscription Ask for your money back any time. SiteSell will refund you 100 within the first 90 days of purchase of your annual subscription, and on a pro-rata basis after that. What about the monthly subscription Ask for your money back within the first 90 days of your initial monthly purchase. SiteSell will refund you 100 (up to 3 months). There is Literally ZERO Fine Print No ifs, ands or buts. There is no fine print. You can be 100 absolutely, positively sure that we will honor this guarantee . Since 1997, SiteSell has built a rock-solid reputation of honesty, quality and service . We work with individuals of all ages ( over 30,000 customers ), institutes of higher learning, existing businesses of all sizes and vendors who all know that we mean every word we say . This guarantee is no exception. If you ever feel that we havent lived up to this our promise and guarantee, report it to us on the SiteSell Facebook page in front of our hundreds of thousands of fans and happy customers. The Bottom Line Try SBI for 90 days . If it isnt right for you, let us know. We will immediately honor your refund request . no questions asked. Auto-Updating The Internet changes fasssst. Most changes are not relevant to doing business online, but many bloggers are quick to comment and to recommend changes. The noise is intense and it can cost you a lot of mis-spent time, and not just by trying to read it all. You can lose a ton of time when you follow poor or premature recommendations (especially if they turn out to hurt your business). Major new developments We are as proud of being followers (when watchful waiting is the wise course) as we are to be first-to-market when we are 100 sure that something new is both important and will stick (ex. first to update our site-building software to automatically create sitemap files). Well provide a few more examples when you close this message, but the bottom line is this. SBIs driving mission is to enable you to succeed. It starts with the perfect all-in-one processtoolsguidancehelp BUSINESS-building solution. Its effectiveness is multiplied by enabling you to focus 100 of your time on your business, period. In practical terms. Process: You dont have to read the ton of new information on search, social, mobile, etc. We do that. We incorporate both the big changes and the occasional golden nugget, when we know that theyll stick. Tools: You never have to update a plug-in. Software updates just happen and everything works. New tools are added, once again on an as needed basis, at no extra cost, nothing for you to do. Guidance: Forum answers are reviewed. Bad information is red-inked as being advice not to follow. We dont censor opinion, but we do let you know when we believe advice is counter-productive. Well also provide the correct course of action if someone else does not. In short, auto-updating delivers 100 business-focused efficiency . SBI saves you hundreds of hours per year, time that you put into your business Doing it RIGHT and staying FOCUSED is why SBIers succeed way more often than other solopreneurs. Top 1-3 Traffic Building Results SBI sites work. They succeed. Top 1 to Top 3. They become profitable businesses. 1,000 randomly selected SBI sites were studied. At the time, there were over 56 million sites on the Web. The total number of active sites (have content, pay for hosting and have their own domains) is now stable at 170 million All statistics are according to Netcraft . a leading Net demographic firm, and according to Alexa . the leading traffic-measurement company. Netcraft tracks the Web hosting industry intensively. Alexa is owned by Amazon and is powered by Microsoft -- it measures traffic popularity based on 10 million surfers. Summary of Results As the years go by, as the number of sites grows (now over 100 million), the natural and powerful process-and-tools of SBI gets stronger. Each time this study is conducted, SBI owners rank higher against other sites despite the increased competition from far more Web sites. Today, a greater percentage than ever of SBI sites make it into the Top 0.5 of all active sites in the world (i. e. Top 1 in 200) In other words, as the Web gets more complex and competitive, SBI enabled solopreneurs, the largest segment of online business, to do significantly better than their online colleagues. IMPORTANT . We are NOT saying that the ONLY way for a solopreneur to succeed is by using SBI. People do succeed without it, obviously. But if you have the right attitude and are determined to succeed, your chances of significant success are much higher with SBI. The SBI Forums SBI owners from a wide variety of countries, businesses and niches come together at the worlds most constructive small business meeting place, the private SBI Forums. Thousands of like-minded and positive people gather to help and be helped at over 60 forums. The forums cover every conceivable business-building subject. No question is too trivial nor too advanced. Someone always answers at this single-best small business resource in the world. No nonsense, no gossip, no flames. Sheer progress. High spirits. The forums truly are. The Place for Friendly, Success-Focused Discussion Online Biz Failing Fix It Or Drop It The statistics on solopreneur success are dismal. SBI increases your chances of success by more than 100-fold The biggest dilemma of the failing solopreneur is figuring out whether to give up or not. No one wants to quit too soon. And no one wants to spend good time after bad. Its a tough problem. Here is the perfect solution. Use SBI. Start from the very beginning of the process. Pretend to start over. Follow our Action Guide and use the tools to the 5th of 10 steps . You will be sure of which road to take. x1F6AB Flawless research with objective tools uncover fundamental errors that are either not fixable, or not worth fixing. This is almost always due to inadequate upfront preparation and research. Start over, this time using SBI. x2705 You find fixable problems with your online business. Work your way through the rest of the Action Guide, making changes as needed. Your fortunes will turn. Bottom Line: If your online business is failing, either close this window and keep reading about SBI. or try SBI now, risk-free (or, if you use WordPress, read more about SBI for WP ). Acronym for FEAR OF MISSING OUT A state of mental or emotional strain caused by the fear of missing out. An omnipresent anxiety brought on by our cognitive ability to recognize potential opportunities. A form of social anxiety - a compulsive concern that one might miss an opportunity, often aroused by posts seen on social media websites. BDO Nomura Review 8211 How to Open a Trading Account Online in Philippine Stock Market FREE Download - Quick Start Guide to Investing in Phil stock market Click here Click here. Just wanna make sure you can take advantage of the bargain stocks we have in the market now before I get to the main topic of this post. If you are a Filipino anywhere in the world who has an online BDO account, and want to start investing in the Philippine stock market, then you are just few clicks away from buying your first stock. This is after BDO Nomura Securities Inc. opened its doors to small retail investors, allowing opening of Philippine stock market trading account all online. About BDO Nomura PSE Broker BDO Nomura is a result of joint venture of the Philippines largest bank BDO Unibank Inc and Japans Nomura Holdings Inc. The deal has renamed PCIB Securities, a securities dealer and broker with a seat in the Philippine Stock Exchange, to BDO Nomura Securities Inc. PCIB Securities was one of the subsidiaries acquired by BDO years ago when it merged with Equitable PCI Bank resulting to its rising as the countrys largest bank then. How to Open a Trading Account in Philippine Stock Market Opening a trading account is very easy as long as you already have an online BDO banking account. The fact that you already have an active BDO banking account made it possible for you to open a trading account all online without the need for personal appearance. That means no hassle for you in printing and submission of physical application forms which are very common challenges for Pinoys based abroad or those living in the provinces far from central cities. All you need to have is an access to internet and an active online BDO banking account. Again, the steps below assumes that you already have an online BDO banking account. This is important since you will be using your online BDO banking user ID when logging in to BDO Nomura trading platform. If you dont have this yet, then do this preliminary step first. Step by step Account Application For those who already have an online BDO account, then just follow these few steps: STEP 1: Go to BDO Nomura website 8211 bdo. phbdonomura and click in the upper right hand corner the Online Trading gt Enroll Now. STEP 2: Log-in using your BDO Online Banking User ID and password. STEP 3: Enter the one-time password (OTP) you received via SMS on your mobile phone. STEP 4: You will be able to read the Instruction and Consent form. Just tick the I have read fully understand box. STEP 5: Click on I Agree in the Terms and Conditions in the next screen. STEP 6: You will then need to fill out the Investor Profile and Suitability form. Just provide all the answer needed and click Next. STEP 7: Re-type the displayed CAPTCHA code, then click Submit . Review the details provided in the next screen and click Confirm . AND YOU8217RE DONE Just wait for the approval of your application which will be sent to your email. In my case, I was able to receive the approval email the day after I submitted my online application, so its really quick. This email contains your Customer Code Number which is your unique client code, with attached copy of your Letter of Instruction and Consent, Terms and Conditions, Investor Profile and Suitability Test (which you completed during your application) Another email will be sent to you the next working day indicating your Control Code. This control code is an additional security check you use when buying or selling stocks. The email may appear a little weird because first, it has a subject PSETRADEX FORGOT PIN which confusingly has no mention of its connection to your BDO Nomura application in any way. (Just bear with this ) You can now proceed funding your trading account to buy your first stock. How to Do Funding of your BDO Nomura Account You can do funding of your Nomura trading account through your BDO Nomura Settelement Account. To see your assigned BDO Nomura Settlement Account Number, login to bdo. phbdonomura using your BDO Online Banking user id and password. Go to the DepositFunding Menu and your assigned Settlement Account Number is already displayed in the Transfer to field (see below illustration). You may already fund your Settlement Account through this facility should you wish to add trading buying power. Once your trading account has enough fund, you are then ready to buy your first stock BDO Nomura Trading Platform Currently, BDO Nomura uses what is called as PSETradex Explore. It8217s a web-based trading terminal that allows its users easy access to a wide array of market and stock information and quick trading actions. Some of its features include Watch list, stock info and charts, portfolio monitoring and tracker records. And just like other brokers, you will also be receiving via email a confirmation notice of every matched buy or sell order you made, with breakdown of expenses. in case you have other questions, you can send it to their support team using their contact page or maybe check first their FAQs. If you have more general starter8217s questions, you can also send me email via my contact form here. Have fun investing, Omeng Did you like this article Dont miss out on my new posts. Subscribe to Smart Pinoy Investor by email and get my latest tips updates Click HERE (its FREE) Avoid losing money and become a smarter investor Join my online training program for newbies(for OFWs too) and learn how you can do stress-free investingClick HERE Hi, Just applied yesterday yet, no response until now. how can I contact BDO Nomura8230 What can i put in listed company ang broker dealer. It say needed to fill up. Hello sir. I just want to know what type of stocks will be applicable for this trading account, ist it for all types Will I be in control in deciding when, what and how much stocks to buy Hi Michael, You will be able to buy all stocks available in Philippine Stock Exchange. Hi Omeng, Thanks for your site because of this I was able to start stock trading. I am just a newbie with a very limited knowledge. Yesterday, I already received a confirmation notice on the stocks I bought but till now I am clueless what to do next. Hoping you could share more information and tips to us. Kudos, Hi, how much is the required initial deposit for this Or if I may rephrase my question, how much would be the ideal amount for initial deposit Thank you Hi Juan, no required initial deposit. You can open as long as you already have an online BDO account. Normally you can start buying stocks after funding with as low as 5k pesos. Hi. Omeng. I love reading your blog. You inspire me more to invest. And now I8217m so eager to start. grrrr I8217m planning to create an account on BDO NOMURA since I got saving account in BDO. I8217m still doing my research on stocks and will mostly appreciate it if you give advice for newbies like me. Thank You. thanks a lot. God Bless.
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